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Junfeng Zhang's Musing

things about the world, world of things


Assembly.LoadFrom is a weirdo. 1. It is order dependent. If you call Assembly.LoadFrom on multiple...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/31/2005

CLR Side by Side and Compatibility

CLR side by side is often quoted as a way to combat compatibility issue. But does it really work?...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/26/2005

On Plug-ins and Extensible Architectures's March 2005 Edition has an article by Dorian Birsan from IBM. On Plug-ins and...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/25/2005

Assemblies Side by Side

CLR today supports multiple versions of an assembly side by side, contrast to native loader. In the...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/25/2005

Publisher Policy revisit

There are several layers of binding policies in .Net framework. App Policy, Publisher Policy, Host...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/24/2005

GAC Internals Are Implementation Detail

GAC internals are implementation detail. We reserved the right to change the implementation at any...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/24/2005

Per-User GAC

GAC gives you three advantages in terms of deployment: Sharing. Assemblies in GAC are shared among...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/24/2005

Using GAC

I still get questions about whether to use GAC or not. People point to me Chris Sells's article...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/21/2005

How do I mix C# and C++ code in a single assembly?

This is an FAQ posted internally. Share it with everyone. It applies to .Net framework 2.0 beta2+....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/19/2005

How to find out where Assembly.Load(String) would load an assembly from without actually doing it?

This is the question: I want to know where the assembly will be loaded from, but I don't want to...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/17/2005

Dynamic nature of CLR assemblies loading

This discussion only applies to Assembly.Load(). Today CLR's assemblies loading mechanism is very...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/17/2005


I want to post something not in the product yet. I don't want people to think that is how we will...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/17/2005


In my previous post I talked about how FILE_SHARE_DELETE can cause ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED error....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/11/2005

SQLCLR team starts blogging

In case you don't know, SQLCLR team starts blogging now.

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/05/2005

ReflectionOnlyAssemblyLoad and binding policy

I discussed ReflectionOnlyAssemblyLoad in detail here:...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/03/2005

Ars Technica's Mac OS 10.4 Tiger Review This is really a fine piece of review. I haven't...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/30/2005

Questions and suggestions

I set the comment limit to 90 days. As a result, the original post for questions and suggestions has...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/19/2005

Test your platform specific assemblies

If you do not know what is platform specific assemblies, please read this post: Assembly...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/12/2005

Strong name EXEs

You don't need to strongly name EXEs. When you strongly name an assembly, you want this assembly to...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/10/2005

Questions and Topics Suggestions

I keep getting emails from folks. Most of the time, the questions folks asked are interesting to...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/06/2005

Isolated Applications and Side-by-side Assemblies

As I stated in my introduction, Fusion team really has two sub teams. One is Fusion/CLR, or simply...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/05/2005

Assembly Identity --- ReferenceIdentity and DefinitionIdentity, Comparison and Transformation

An Assembly Identity is simply an attributes bag. It consists of a set of attributes. Each attribute...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/05/2005


You know when we probe an assembly foo, we first probe the appbase for foo.dll/exe, then...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/03/2005

New, new theme, and new comment limit day is migrated to Community Server v1.0. As part of the migration, I changed my theme. I...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/03/2005

Best feature in Outlook 2003 --- Search Folders Search Folders: The easy...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/20/2005

URL Case Sensitivity and Assembly Loading

URL is case sensitive. In Windows file names are case insensitive. When these two meet, you can...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/20/2005

Why LoadLibrary is much slower than GetModuleHandle for dll that is already loaded?

This question is asked in our internal discussion list. One of the kernel developer answered the...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/18/2005

URL and Assembly Loading

A URL is a string used to locate a resource in the Internet. Raw URLs are simply sequences of...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/11/2005

Http Compression and Assembly loading

In .Net framework 1.0 and 1.1, fusion is not able to download assemblies hosted in web servers with...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/03/2005

IUnkown::Release() implementation

Mike Stall talks about “Don’t do complicated work in Release()”. He has a sample implementation for...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/27/2005

Download Cache

Alan has an excellent article on how HTTP assembly download works....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/20/2005

AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath is obsolete

In .Net framework 2.0, AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath is marked as obsolete. The deprecation is...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/20/2005

App.config reloading

I have seen the same question asked many times. “I changed app.config while the application is...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/20/2005

NGEN, now and then

MSDN magazine just posted a great article about NGEN, written by Reid Wilkes. It is a wonderful read...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/19/2005

Netmodule vs. Assembly

In .Net framework Assembly is the minimum unit of deployment. You cannot deploy anything less than...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/12/2005

linkedConfiguration --- a.k.a include in config file

It is common to share an assembly between several applications. Typically you will install the...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/09/2005

Duplicate entries in config files

If there are multiple (conflicting) policy statements for the same assembly in a config file, which...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/07/2005

Assembly ProcessorArchitecture and Binding Policy

By now we know assemblies compiled with .Net 2.0 will have ProcessorArchitecture. And we know from...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/04/2005

Microsoft at Year's End

MS.COM has a press release to look at Microsoft's accomplishment on year 2004, and things...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/22/2004

Fusion Workshop

Microsoft MVP Richard Grimes released an online fusion workshop. It discusses various fusion issues...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/21/2004

Herb Sutter discusses C++/CLI's deterministic destruction

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/10/2004

misconcept about domain neutral assemblies

See my blog for more on domain neutral...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/08/2004

IBM sells PC group to Lenovo

It is final. IBM sells its PC group to Lenovo....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/07/2004

Setting Host Policy in appdomain

Due to popular demand, I am posting an example how to set host policy in appdomain. (If you don't...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/01/2004

CLR in Channel 9

Channel9 team did a two part interview for CLR team. The video is online at Jason...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/18/2004

Creating a publisher policy

MSDN documented how to create a publisher policy...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/18/2004

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