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Murach's ASP.NET Web Programming with VB.NET

Murach's ASP.NET 3.5 Web Programming with VB 2008: Anne Boehm: BooksISBN: 1890774472ISBN-13: 9781890774479

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If I were going to teach a course on ASP.NET Development with VB - THIS is the book I would teach it from !

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Murach's Description

There is no faster or better way to learn ASP.NET web programming using Microsoft’s Visual Studio .NET than to use "Murach’s ASP.NET web programming with VB.NET." To get you off to a fast start, the first 5 chapters show you how to use Microsoft Visual Studio to design, code, and test multi-page web applications that use view state, session state, cookies, database data, and code-behind files.

From there, you learn even faster as you master the core professional skills like HTML, server controls, validation controls, state management, and user controls. Then, you learn how to use the best ADO.NET features for working with a database in a web application including: connection pooling, data commands, parameterized queries, caching, data views, command builders, and the Repeater, DataList, and DataGrid controls.

Last, you learn how to apply the finishing touches to a web application: security, web services, custom server controls, reports generated by Crystal Reports, email, and deployment. "No other book teaches so much, so fast, or so thoroughly."

Amazon Product Description

"This book is by far the best computer programming book I have ever bought. You can go into my upstairs closet and find 20-30 books that I have purchased since the days of VB6.... All together, they could not add up to as much information as you have given me in the first 11 chapters of this book." (A developer's comment on the previous edition of Murach's ASP.NET)

Already know how to code Visual Basic 2008 desktop applications? Then, you're ready to master web programming with the 3.5 edition of this best-selling ASP.NET book from Murach Books.

It covers the 3.5 features that provide new the ListView and DataPager data controls, LINQ data sources, new CSS-related tools, and ASP.NET AJAX...while it teaches you how to develop web applications from scratch. And it does that using all the same features that have made earlier editions such favorites among professional developers:

It's concise, practical, and crystal-clear in telling you what you need to know

It shows you how to get the most from Visual Studio 2008 as you code, test, debug, and deploy ASP.NET web applications

It gives you a 7-chapter section on database programming...2 more chapters than in the previous edition because .NET continues to deliver new, powerful tools for this critical component of business applications

It gives you solid training in the essential skills that you'll use every day, including data validation...state management...improving the user experience with easy site navigation and a standard look and feel...boosting user response time with ASP.NET AJAX...handling security...developing reusable controls...working with database data using SQL, object, and LINQ data sources...and more

It gives you real-world application examples that guide you in applying what you're learning as you develop your own websites (you can download the applications for free from the Murach website)

Its paired pages presentation makes for fast reading, instant reinforcement, and time-saving reference (to see how the paired pages work, you can download free chapters from the Murach website)
