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People Moving Business Awards - Nominations being accepted now!


We've just launched the 2008 People Moving Business Awards and we are accepting nominations NOW!

The awards are open to all organisations large and small, from both public and private sector and we are looking for organisations that are really making the most of mobile technologies to boost both productivity and employee satisfaction.

There are a number of Award Categories so please nominate yourself or your Organisation for the most appropriate!

Awards categories

Awards for organisations

Most innovative use of mobile technology (Public sector)

An organisation that has deployed an innovative mobile solution that has directly benefited them. The winner will also be able to demonstrate direct return on investment as a result of the mobile technology.

Most innovative use of mobile technology (Private sector )

An organisation that has deployed an innovative mobile solution that has directly benefited them. The winner will also be able to demonstrate direct return on investment as a result of the mobile technology.

Best flexible working organisation (Cross-sector)

The organisation that can truly demonstrate innovation and success in embracing the mobility culture for both increased business performance and employee satisfaction.

Contribution to the environment through use of mobile technology (Cross-sector)

For example, an organisation that has seen an increase in the number of home workers through the use of technology, therefore leading to less cars on the road and a reduction in fuel consumption. The winner will be able to quantify the size and nature of the environmental contribution achieved.

Awards for individuals

Mobility champion (Cross-sector)

An individual who has championed the use of mobile technology within an organisation, recognizing the benefits it can have on both productivity and employee satisfaction.

Moofer of the year (Cross-sector)

An employee who has used mobile technology to significantly increase both their personal performance and their quality of life. (Moof stands for Mobile Out of Office, for more information on Moofing check out

Awards for technology

Best Mobile Application (Cross-sector)

For example, a unique application that enables a new way of working. The winner will be able to demonstrate both the innovative nature of the application and the return on investment to users.

Best implementation of mobile technologies (Cross-sector)

The organisation that can demonstrate how it overcame technological and procedural challenges to implement a mobile technology-related project, that has demonstrable success within the business.


You can nominate your organisation or yourself at the People Moving Business Awards Web-Site
