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Can Google Cause a Re-count?

This is a sucky, though interesting, problem. Google sends thousands (how many thousands? Dunno) to the wrong polling places.  OK, Google is a company, not a political entity (well, not as it's sole purpose for existing). But this does raise a question: has our reliance on technology to deliver information via the interwebz put us in a situation where delivering data vital to the political process is a form of malfeasance. Bonjour run-on sentence!

Ballots are sent out by mail here in Washington. And before you start thinking "oh, lucky ducks," I will tell you that I spent no less than 2 hours reading my voters pamphlets and a little extra time figuring out that I am truly a dum-dum. Based on the delivery of those 2 pamphlets and 2 envelopes, I scoured the recycle bin because I only had one ballot. When I realized that the ballot contained both the county and state races/selections and that one of the envelopes was the security envelope (one envelope goes into the other), I thought "Heather, you are too stupid to vote". Another proof point: once, a year or two after moving here, I got a panicked feeling on April 16th because I hadn't turned in my state income tax form. Yeah, people, we don't have state income taxes. Old habits, folks. I have lived too many other places.

Anyway, despite the ballots being mailed out (and mine being filled in very neatly), many people like to go to the polling places. They must enjoy the smell of a damp gymnasium and the octogenarians manning the registration table (not that there is anything wrong with that...only significant due to it's consistency); OK, they don't smell, but the damp gym...oh yeah, that certainly does; mixed in with the odor of a little paste. We also like our drop-boxes here. So what I am saying is that the 18% error (based on a sample of households) is pretty significant.

And because the initiative that would allow us to buy hard liquor in grocery stores was defeated, I totally care :) Someone call Betty Ford. Wait, I don't thikn she's still alive. I mean the center, not the person.

I suspect that in the future, we will see more accountability being asked of providers of this type of information; the polling places. Not quite sure what the repercussions could be. But could it be more than us shrugging it off and here-today-gone-tomorrow headlines?