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Stay tuned for Blueprints and EATK =>Soon on this channel

TechReady7 was a great experience and after a week of non-stop information in-flow the point of saturation is reached. Lot's of the stuff that was presented is still under NDA, so even though I would like to talk about it I can't ;-(. But stay tuned, there is awesome stuff coming out of "the soft" in the near future.

Nevertheless there is some stuff that caught my interest: It is the Microsoft (R) Blueprints and the EATK. No surprise, both of these are closely related to the Software Factories stuff I do..... The Microsoft Blueprints seem to be a nice evolution from the GAT/GAX technology from the Patterns and Practices group. The advantage is that the Blueprints will build on the WF technology and therefore authoring recipes will be a breeze compared to the GAT authoring experience which was entirely in XML. Furthermore the Blueprints are very modular and imply very low overhead. Sounds too goo to be true? Well, I will check it out. The plan is to write a few blueprints and blog about the experience. Furthermore, I will check out how this can be combined with EATK, Prism, and Silverlight........

Exciting isn't it :-) More in my next post.....
