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Practical Software Factories on .NET

Practical Software Factories in .NET ” is the most recent book from Gunther Lenz and Christoph Wienands (Siemens Research).

We (the patterns & practices Client Team) had the privilege to review the content early on and Gunther and Christoph participated as expert advisors in our communities for the Smart Client Software Factory and the Composite UI Application Block. It’s been a pleasure to work with them.

I really like the pragmatic approach of their work. Gunther and Christoph are very experienced architects at Siemens, a company we seldom regard as a software company, although they probably employ more software developers than we (Microsoft) do J. I’m sure their work will quickly be applied in many fields Siemens has business on.

Siemens has pioneered many facets of software development and architecture, like the “ Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture ” series.

Another interesting fact is that the case study discussed in the book is published in CodePlex, Microsoft new collaborative infrastructure. Check it out here:

Last but not least, this case study is based on our own Smart Client Software Factory

The book will be available next July 17th.