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Microsoft classé comme l’OS le plus sécurisé !


C’est pas nous qui le disons mais Symantecs, voir la news sur internetnews

Le rapport est dispo chez Symantec, et riche en infos...


En synthèse :

The report found that Microsoft Windows had the fewest number of patches and the shortest average patch development time of the five operating systems it monitored in the last six months of 2006. During this period, 39 vulnerabilities, 12 of which were ranked high priority or severe, were found in Microsoft Windows and the company took an average of 21 days to fix them. It's an increase of the 22 vulnerabilities and 13-day turnaround time for the first half of 2006 but still bested the competition handily.

L’article passé en revue les « autres » OS et fait tomber quelques idées reçus…notament sur Mac.

A bientôt,
