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ResolveP2 flags

In comments to my recent post on ResolveP2, several people asked me what the properties listed in;en-us;174755 meant in real terms.  So I asked an Exchange developer and got the answer:

From that KB article:

 ADDRESS_CONVERT_SENDER decimal value 1 = From field
 ADDRESS_CONVERT_SENT_REPRESENTING decimal value 2 = Used when a delegate is involved, this is who you are representing when you send this message
 ADDRESS_CONVERT_RECEIVED_BY decimal value 4 = The user that received this message.  This is required when creating a reply-all. For a reply-all, all the properties from the original message are copied to the reply message including the list of recipients from the original message except that the recipient represented by the ReceivedBy property and all the BCC recipients are removed from the recipient list.
 ADDRESS_CONVERT_RECEIVED_REPRESENTING decimal value 8 = Used when you are a delegate, this is who you are representing when you received this message
 ADDRESS_CONVERT_RECIPIENTS decimal value 16 = combination of both To: and Cc:
 ADDRESS_CONVERT_REPLY_TO decimal value 32 = Reply-To field