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OpsMgr 2007 SP1 – Banish the Undead. How to remove “Not Monitored” dead agents.


      If you’ve ever had a dead a System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 Agent, you know that removing them from the console can be an issue.  This can be a particular problem if you have agents that you cannot uninstall (the machines no longer exist), they self assigned themselves to the management group via Active Directory Integration (Domain Controllers that can read the site published in Active Directory), or permissions to the agent server for the Agent Action Account have been removed.  Many times these agents will only show up under Monitoring, and won’t appear at all in the Administration console.

So how do you remove these agents from showing up in the console as “Not Monitored”?


Do NOT use this method to remove the agent from the DB, unless you have no other way of uninstalling the agent or deleting the agent inside the console. This method is only for removing agents that are permanently offline and you cannot uninstall the agent inside the OpsMgr 2007 console. These queries will update several tables. Use at your own risk.


(1) Get the FQDN of the dead agent you want to remove. Close all open OpsMgr 2007 SP1 consoles.

(2) Open the SQL Management Studio Console.

(3) In a new SQL query Use OperationsManager

(4) Select TopLevelHostEntityId from basemanagedentity where Name like '' 

(5) Take the returned data (It should look something like ‘BBF1DC38-3F1E-7CD9-532E-E4E34V558CDA’. Yours will be different.

(6) Now in a new query enter Update BaseManagedEntity Set Isdeleted=1 where TopLevelHostEntityId =‘BBF1DC38-3F1E-7CD9-532E-E4E34V558CDA’. This query will forcibly remove the agent from the DB.

(7) Re-open the OpsMgr 2007 SP1 Console – the dead agent will be gone.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    September 04, 2015
    Making direct changes in database is not supported; I do agree with it. But, If you have to remove an object of Microsoft.Windows.Computer class; what discovery we disable?
  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2015
    Hi Ravi.

    the "Microsoft.Windows.Computer" class have many discoveries bound but I think in you Case you can use the Discovery "Microsoft.SystemCenter.DiscoverWindowsComputerProperties". This discovers the main properties. You can see the Details on the following page: