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IT Pro Momentum Pilot Project- Windows Server 2008 / Virtualization

j0386771 I am hearing great things from the IT Pro Momentum Program.  Today our focus is on a school district who is using the IT Pro Mo0mentum program to pilot Windows Server 2008.  Like the two previous Momentum examples I shared with you I was able to ask some questions to the IT Pros running the Pilot.  Some of their responses are absolutely great! 

I first asked about the pilot. 

"We are trying to have more end user control over our network. I had heard that Server 2k8 had some better tools for controlling network activity as well as some very good Virtual tools.

As of right now we are still piloting but have high intentions to move forward."

Which Products are you working with at the moment?

"Server 2k8, Vista, and Citrix"

Can you give me some more details?

"We are building 5 demo 2k8 servers at one of our smaller schools. We are using 2 for citrix, 1 for a DC, 1 for an IIS7 box, and 1 for our file and print sharing and a WSUS. So far I would have to say that we are pleased with the results so far. I especially like the management and search capabilities."

Do you feel like the pilot has been a success?  Have you run into any unforeseen issues?

"For the most part yes. The only issue we can’t improve on is terminal server licensing. Because we are a school district we have students that will mess up computers. After we reimage the computer it seems like the terminal server is handing out a second terminal server license. One for the machine before the image and one for the same exact machine after the image and having to wait 89 days is way too long to resolve this when we have over 1000 thin clients using Citrix daily."

How much money will this project end up saving your organization?

"Since I don’t handle the budgets I can’t give a number on savings but it would be substantial with the Virtual environments we plan to implement as well."

So how do you feel about the IT Pro Momentum Program?

"I love the program. Without it I probably wouldn’t have tried to pilot server 2k8 for some time but with the program I have been able to build server 2k8, iis7, sql server2k8, and even some windows 7 boxes."

Great Stuff! 

If you are interested in the opportunity to Pilot Microsoft products in your network and get the Tech Net Plus subscription as one of the included benefits please send me an email requesting an invitation to the IT Pro Momentum Program.