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Charlie Sheen and Anne Hathaway Reading Dr. Seuss

green eggs and hamI’m a little disappointed that True Grit did not win Best Picture last night at the Oscars.  I will admit I didn’t watch much of the show.  I did however get to catch some of Anne Hathaway’s presentation.  She has come along way since the Princess Diaries. I have heard there is something that some people just have when they are in front of a camera.  Whatever “IT” is she has it!

Charlie Sheen has it too!  and he knows it. 

It’s Dr. Seuss birthday this week!  If he were still around to write his witty word play books he would be 107! 

So here is the thing.  It’s Monday and I am thinking that I would love to hear Charlie Sheen and Anne Hathaway reading Green Eggs and Ham.  Forget the academy awards and prime time TV.  Lets get them working on something that can influence the lives of Kids Everywhere.  Reading!