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List of HTML5 Presentation Resources

I’ve been running sessions on HTML5, Internet Explorer 9/10, CSS3 and more at recent Web Camps, Code Camps, and user group meetings.  Many resources are shown or mentioned in those sessions, so I’ve compiled a list of them for you here.

I hope you find these useful!


  • HTML5 at W3C – Specifications and learning materials
  • HTML5 W3C Logo – HTML5 and related logos
  • HTML5 LabsHTML5 Labs – Prototypes of early web specifications (e.g. IndexedDB, FileAPI, etc.)
  • – Articles and information on web development
  • – Details support by browser for HTML5, CSS3, and other technologies
  • Modernizr – HTML5 & CSS3 feature detection made easy
  • HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills – Shims, polyfills helpful for implementing features while supporting a range of browsers
  • HTML5 Boilerplate – An HTML5 template. Useful also as a reference.
  • Initializr – HTML5 template builder
  • Yepnope.js – Conditional resource loader that utilizes asynchronous calls

HTML5 Sample Applications/Sites

Internet Explorer


Canvas & SVG

  • Canvas PadCanvas Pad – Great way to see/learn canvas capabilities
  • Easel.js – A library to help create HTML5 Canvas graphics
  • UN Systems Org Chart – SVG example showing effects of zooming
  • SVG-Oids – SVG game example (Fire up the F12 dev tools with this one)
  • Raphael – A library to help create vector graphics - SVG/VML

Microsoft Web Platform


Presentation Slides

And finally, here are slides I’ve used at some point for various presentations. 

  • SkyDrive folder share.  Contains:
    • HTML5 and Friends
    • HTML5 Web Camp – Graphics and UI with CSS3, SVG, and Canvas
    • HTML5 Web Camp – Practices and Adoption Techniques

My teammate Rachel Appel has posted materials from her HTML5 Web Camp sessions as well.



  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2011
    Hi Claudette, Yes, the new series ( is an extension of the ones we ran in June.  Unfortunately, the Farmington, CT venue isn't terribly large so it filled up quickly.  I don't know if we're creating a waiting list for it. The good news is we'll be recording screencasts of the sessions. We'll post them (probably via Channel 9) and I'll blog about it here. Best, Chris

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2011
    Hi Chris, Thanks so much again to you and Rachel for your awesome presentation today in Atlanta! It was great to see all the new HTML5 abilities of IE!