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Will Australian CIO’s lead Digital Transformation in 2016?

Guest post by Tania Walter, Founder and CEO Obzervr

“Leading businesses must shift to platform thinking in terms of their business models, delivery mechanisms, talent and leadership, in order to survive and thrive” according to a global survey of CIOs by Gartner. These findings were presented by Analysts at the Gartner 2016 CIO Agenda at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo on The Gold Coast end of last year.

The Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) survey data showed that a higher proportion of CIOs lead digital transformation and innovation in their enterprise, but progress towards digital business in ANZ is slower than the global average.

Something stood out for me when I was looking at CIO priorities for 2016 in Australia and New Zealand. The “Top Four” on the Agenda are as follows:-

  1. BI/Analytics
  2. Cloud
  3. Digitalization/Digital Marketing
  4. Mobility

It wasn’t that Security appeared to languish in 9th spot both domestically and globally, though this did raise an eye-brow given the number of data breaches. It was the fact that the “Top Four” vindicated the platform I have built – Obzervr. Obzervr is the leading Field Service Platform.

Obzervr addresses many of the challenges that remote mobile workers face doing their day-to-day jobs. These field assignments can include things like collecting Asset Maintenance/Management Data, Environment Data and just about anything else that requires a worker to go into the field and capture information. Obzervr is a unique Mobility Platform that is driving efficiencies and cost-savings across many industries (Resources, Utilities, Government, Telco, and Construction).

From my experience in the industry, I knew that Digitalization of outdated (paper-based) processes was inevitable. I knew that Enterprises would need to get to actionable data a lot faster. In order to achieve this, Businesses would need to leverage Mobility, Cloud and Data in order to drive these efficiencies and cost-savings, but also to fundamentally re-imagine an age old way of doing business.

If you look at just one of the sectors where Obzervr provides value, Resources, it is clear why CIO’s have prioritised according to the Gartner Survey. At Obzervr we are enabling a global Oil Services organisation to achieve cost saving by removing the need for data recapture and eliminating the cost of inaccurate data, then repurposing these teams to become value creating data analytics and insight driven teams.

This is pretty much typical and in my opinion ‘low-hanging’ fruit whereby CIO’s can demonstrate to the Business ‘quick wins’ . According to Gartner, ANZ CIOs cited money as their biggest barrier to achieving their objectives as a CIO, while globally; skills are seen as the top barrier. If that is true, let’s speak – I want to show you what is possible with partnering Obzervr.

Let me know how Obzervr can help with your Digitalization priorities for data collection in 2016. We have built a simple, elegant and intuitive Field Service Platform for field workers. 

Obzervr – helping field workers do great things and Enterprises achieve amazing results!

This is an exciting journey and I want to share and be part of this vision. If you want to join me on this journey in 2016 and see where it takes us – please Connect with me or Follow