XNA Game Studio 2.0 beta now available for download
As noted in this post on the XNA team blog, the XNA Game Studio 2.0 beta is now available for download. You can get started by checking out the overview information at https://creators.xna.com/beta/betahome.aspx. This page includes links to information about how to get started installing and using the beta and how to install and use the project migration wizard to migrate your XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 and 1.0 refresh project files to the 2.0 format. The page also includes links to a set of downloadable samples that demonstrate XNA Game Studio 2.0 features. Notably, the samples include a beta version of a new starter kit for a game called Net Rumble that demonstrates some of the new networking features in XNA Game Studio 2.0.
Here are some useful links to help you get started learning about XNA Game Studio 2.0:
- XNA Game Studio 2.0 beta overview page - https://creators.xna.com/beta/betahome.aspx
- What's new in XNA Game Studio 2.0 - https://creators.xna.com/beta/betawhatsnew.aspx
- XNA Game Studio 2.0 getting started information (for new XNA Creators Club users) - https://creators.xna.com/beta/betanewtoxna.aspx
- XNA Game Studio 2.0 getting started information (for existing XNA Creators Club users) - https://creators.xna.com/beta/betaexistingusers.aspx
- XNA Game Studio 2.0 project migration wizard usage instructions - https://creators.xna.com/beta/ProjectUpgradeWizardForXNAGameStudio2Beta.htm
Here are links to use to download the beta and report bugs found while installing and using the beta:
- XNA Game Studio 2.0 beta download location - https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=1A096AC7-AEC5-4CD0-9826-1F07EB26EEFD
- XNA Game Studio 2.0 project migration wizard download location - https://creators.xna.com/beta/UpgradeWizardSetup.msi
- Connect site for reporting bugs found while using the XNA Game Studio 2.0 - https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=226
I encourage you to try out the XNA Game Studio 2.0 beta, including the project migration wizard (if you have any XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 project files) and the new sample content. Also, please make sure to report any issues you find on the Connect site so we can make improvements in future releases of XNA Game Studio.
November 19, 2007
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November 19, 2007
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