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Upcoming Siebel Adapter CTP release

The upcoming release for Adapter pack will have support for Siebel integration objects. This feature will allow users to invoke Siebel Business Service "EAI Siebel Adapter" to operate against any Siebel integration object. EAI Siebel Adapter business service exposes following operations for manipulation of siebel integration objects:


2. Insert

3. Update

4. Upsert

5. Delete

6. Synchronize

Siebel adapter will have runtime support for all of these operations though Siebel adapter won't publish these objects schema. What that means is users are supposed to create schema for required integration object using Siebel Tools. Based on that schema users must prepare the input XML. This input XML should be embodied into siebel adapter request message as CDATA node if required Business Service Method expects Hierarchy as input. On the response side, adapter would put Integration object response into siebel adapter response message as CDATA node.

Here a sample for execute Query on integration object "Sample Contact"


 <Query xmlns=”https://Microsoft.LobServices.Siebel/2007/03/BusinessServices/EAI_x0020_Siebel_x0020_Adapter/Operation >


<OutputIntObjectName xmlns="https://Microsoft.LobServices.Siebel/2007/03/BusinessServices/EAI_x0020_Siebel_x0020_Adapter">Sample Account</OutputIntObjectName>

<SearchSpec xmlns="**https://Microsoft.LobServices.Siebel/2007/03/BusinessServices/EAI\_x0020\_Siebel\_x0020\_Adapter**"\> [Account.Name] LIKE '*' </SearchSpec>


<QueryInOutRecord /> 


 ----------------------End SampleContactQuery.xml----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Above XML is normal siebel adapter request message. It doesn't have any special XML node.  

Now lets look at Sample insert xml request:


  <InsertRequestRecord />
 <SiebelMessage xmlns="https://Microsoft.LobServices.Siebel/2007/03/BusinessServices/EAI_x0020_Siebel_x0020_Adapter">
    <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><SiebelMessage
 IntObjectName="Sample Account"
 MessageType="Integration Object"
 IntObjectFormat="Siebel Hierarchical"><ListOfSampleAccount><Account><CurrencyCode>INR</CurrencyCode><Location>Hyderabad</Location><Name>IntegrationObjectTest</Name></Account></ListOfSampleAccount></SiebelMessage>]]>

----------------------------------------------End SampleContactInsert.xml-------------------------------------------------------------


The node of our interest is <CDATA[[]]> node. It contains integration object representation which Siebel business service expects.

Note the first xml comment inside CDATA node (xmlversion and encoding) should be maintained as is, otherwise Siebel will refuse to accept the message.

More on Siebel Integration Object support will follow:-)


  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2010
    Hi,Is the Siebel Adapter Support 64 bit platform for Biztalk 2010? Please let me know what Siebel Web client can be installed on Windows server 2010 64 bit?RegdsUpadhyayA