Recuperando informações de Track-Specific de disco compacto
Para dispositivos de áudio CD, você pode obter o local inicial e o comprimento de uma faixa especificando o sinalizador MCI_TRACK e definindo o membro dwTrack de MCI_STATUS_PARMS como o número de faixa desejado. Para obter o local inicial de uma faixa, defina o membro dwItem como MCI_STATUS_POSITION. Para obter o comprimento de uma faixa, defina dwItem como MCI_STATUS_LENGTH. Por exemplo, o exemplo a seguir recupera o número total de faixas no disco compacto e o local inicial de cada faixa. Em seguida, ele usa a função MessageBox para relatar os locais iniciais das faixas.
// Uses the MCI_STATUS command to get and display the
// starting times for the tracks on a compact disc.
// Returns 0L if successful; otherwise, it returns an
// MCI error code.
DWORD DisplayCDTrackStartTimes(HWND hMainWnd)
UINT wDeviceID;
int i, iNumTracks;
DWORD dwReturn;
DWORD *pMem;
TCHAR szTempString[64];
TCHAR szTimeString[512] = TEXT("\0"); // Room for 20 tracks.
MCI_OPEN_PARMS mciOpenParms;
MCI_SET_PARMS mciSetParms;
MCI_STATUS_PARMS mciStatusParms;
// Open the device by specifying the device name.
mciOpenParms.lpstrDeviceType = TEXT("cdaudio");
if (dwReturn = mciSendCommand(NULL, MCI_OPEN,
// Failed to open device.
// Don't close device; just return error.
return (dwReturn);
// The device opened successfully; get the device ID.
wDeviceID = mciOpenParms.wDeviceID;
// Set the time format to minute/second/frame (MSF) format.
mciSetParms.dwTimeFormat = MCI_FORMAT_MSF;
if (dwReturn = mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_SET,
(DWORD_PTR)(LPVOID) &mciSetParms))
mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
return (dwReturn);
// Get the number of tracks;
// limit it to the number that can be displayed (20).
mciStatusParms.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_NUMBER_OF_TRACKS;
if (dwReturn = mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_STATUS,
mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
return (dwReturn);
iNumTracks = (int)mciStatusParms.dwReturn;
iNumTracks = min(iNumTracks, 20);
// Allocate memory to hold starting positions.
pMem = (DWORD *)LocalAlloc(LPTR,
iNumTracks * sizeof(DWORD));
if (pMem == NULL)
mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
return (-1);
// For each track, get and save the starting location and
// build a string containing the starting locations.
for(i=1; i<=iNumTracks; i++)
mciStatusParms.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_POSITION;
mciStatusParms.dwTrack = i;
if (dwReturn = mciSendCommand(wDeviceID,
(DWORD_PTR)(LPVOID) &mciStatusParms))
mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
return (dwReturn);
pMem[i-1] = (DWORD)mciStatusParms.dwReturn;
TEXT("Track %2d - %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), i,
_tcscat_s(szTimeString, szTempString);
// Use MessageBox to display starting times.
TEXT("Track Starting Position"),
// Free memory and close the device.
LocalFree((HANDLE) pMem);
if (dwReturn = mciSendCommand(wDeviceID,
return (dwReturn);
return (0L);