Verificando o suporte à unidade
O exemplo a seguir examina as características do dispositivo de disco que são independentes da mídia inserida no dispositivo. Mais especificamente, ele recupera listas de recursos com suporte, perfis com suporte e páginas de modo com suporte, bem como as configurações de recursos e o perfil atuais.
' This script examines the burn device characteristics such as
' product ID, product revision level, feature set, and profiles.
' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 2006
Option Explicit
' Constants
Function Main
Dim Index ' Index to recording drive.
Dim Recorder ' Recorder object
Dim Path ' Directory of files to burn
Dim Stream ' Data stream for burning device
Index = 1 ' Second drive on the system
' Create a DiscMaster2 object to connect to CD/DVD drives.
Dim g_DiscMaster
Set g_DiscMaster = WScript.CreateObject("IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
' Create a DiscRecorder object for the specified burning device.
Dim uniqueId
set recorder = WScript.CreateObject("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
uniqueId = g_DiscMaster.Item(Index)
recorder.InitializeDiscRecorder( uniqueId )
' *** - Formatting to display recorder info
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------------------------"
Wscript.Echo " ActiveRecorderId: " & recorder.ActiveDiscRecorder
Wscript.Echo " Vendor Id: " & recorder.VendorId
Wscript.Echo " Product Id: " & recorder.ProductId
Wscript.Echo " Product Revision: " & recorder.ProductRevision
Wscript.Echo " VolumeName: " & recorder.VolumeName
Wscript.Echo " Can Load Media: " & recorder.DeviceCanLoadMedia
Wscript.Echo " Device Number: " & recorder.LegacyDeviceNumber
Dim mountPoint
For Each mountPoint In recorder.VolumePathNames
WScript.Echo " Mount Point: " & mountPoint
WScript.Echo "Supported Features" 'in _IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE
Dim supportedFeature
For Each supportedFeature in recorder.SupportedFeaturePages
if supportedFeature = _
WScript.Echo " Feature: " & supportedFeature & _
" Drive supports DVD-RW."
WScript.Echo " Feature: " & supportedFeature
end if
WScript.Echo "Current Features" 'in _IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE
Dim currentFeature
For Each currentFeature in recorder.CurrentFeaturePages
WScript.Echo " Feature: " & currentFeature
WScript.Echo "Supported Profiles" 'in _IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE
Dim supportedProfile
For Each supportedProfile in recorder.SupportedProfiles
WScript.Echo " Profile: " & supportedProfile
WScript.Echo "Current Profiles" 'in _IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE
Dim currentProfile
For Each currentProfile in recorder.CurrentProfiles
WScript.Echo " Profile: " & currentProfile
WScript.Echo "Supported Mode Pages" 'in _IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE
Dim supportedModePage
For Each supportedModePage in recorder.SupportedModePages
WScript.Echo " Mode Page: " & supportedModePage
WScript.Echo "----- Finished content -----"
Main = 0
End Function
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