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IWiaDataCallback::BandedDataCallback method (wia_xp.h)

Provides data transfer status notifications. Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) data transfer methods of the IWiaDataTransfer interface periodically call this method.


HRESULT BandedDataCallback(
  [in] LONG lMessage,
  [in] LONG lStatus,
  [in] LONG lPercentComplete,
  [in] LONG lOffset,
  [in] LONG lLength,
  [in] LONG lReserved,
  [in] LONG lResLength,
  [in] BYTE *pbBuffer


[in] lMessage

Type: LONG

Specifies a constant that indicates the reason for the callback. Can be one of the following values:


The WIA system is transferring data to the application.


The application is receiving a header prior to receiving the actual data.


Windows Vista or later. Status at the device has changed.


The WIA system is transferring preview data to the application.


The application is receiving a header prior to receiving the actual preview data.


The data transfer is beginning a new page.


This invocation of the callback is sending only status information.


The data transfer is complete.

[in] lStatus

Type: LONG

Specifies a constant that indicates the status of the WIA device. Can be set to a combination of the following:


Data is currently being transferred from the WIA device.


Data is currently being processed.


Data is currently being transferred to the client's data buffer.

[in] lPercentComplete

Type: LONG

Specifies the percentage of the total data that has been transferred so far.

[in] lOffset

Type: LONG

Specifies an offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the buffer where the current band of data begins.

[in] lLength

Type: LONG

Specifies the length, in bytes, of the current band of data.

[in] lReserved

Type: LONG

Reserved for internal use by the WIA run-time system.

[in] lResLength

Type: LONG

Reserved for internal use by the WIA run-time system.

[in] pbBuffer

Type: BYTE*

Pointer to the data buffer.

Return value


If the method succeeds, the method returns S_OK. To cancel the data transfer, it returns S_FALSE. If the method fails, it returns a standard COM error code.


Your application must provide the IWiaDataCallback::BandedDataCallback method. This method is periodically invoked by the data transfer methods of the IWiaDataTransfer interface. It provides status messages to the application during the data transfer. By returning S_FALSE, your program can also use this method to prematurely terminate the data transfer.

When this method is invoked, the lMessage parameter will contain the reason for the call. Not all parameters will contain data on all calls. For example, when IWiaDataCallback::BandedDataCallback is invoked with a message of IT_MSG_TERMINATION, it should not attempt to use the values in the pbBuffer, lOffset, and lLength parameters.

If the value of lMessage is IT_MSG_DATA, the buffer pointed to by pbBuffer contains a band of image data. The lOffset parameter contains an offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer where the current band of data begins. The lLength parameter specified the length in bytes of the current band of data.

During calls where lMessage is set to IT_MSG_DATA or IT_MSG_STATUS, the lStatus parameter contains a valid value. Its contents should not be used when lMessage contains other values.

If lMessage is IT_MSG_DATA_HEADER, the pbBuffer parameter points to a WIA_DATA_CALLBACK_HEADER structure.

When an error has occurred during an image data transfer, the driver sets lMessage to IT_MSG_DEVICE_STATUS. The proxy callback object calls ReportStatus, which handles the error and displays messages to the user.


The following example shows one possible way to implement the IWiaDataCallback::BandedDataCallback method.

The example application code defines the CDataCallback object that it derives from the IWiaDataCallback interface. The application must instantiate a CDataCallback object. It then calls CDataCallback::QueryInterface to obtain an IWiaDataCallback interface pointer. When the application is ready to receive data, it invokes the idtGetBandedData method and passes the method a pointer to the IWiaDataCallback interface.

Periodically, the idtGetBandedData method uses the IWiaDataCallback interface pointer to invoke the CDataCallback::BandedDataCallback method of the application. The first invocations send status messages. These are followed by a call that transfers a data header to the callback method. After the application receives the data header, idtGetBandedData invokes CDataCallback::BandedDataCallback to transfer data to the application. When the data transfer is complete, it calls the callback method a final time to transmit a termination message.

// The application must instantiate the CDataCallback object using
// the "new" operator, and call QueryInterface to retrieve the 
// IWiaDataCallback interface.
// In this example, using in-memory transfer, the application then
// calls the IWiaDataTransfer::idtGetBandedData method and passes
// it the IWiaDataCallback interface pointer.
// If the application performs a file transfer using
// IWiaDataTransfer::idtGetData, only status messages are sent,
// and the data is transferred in a file.
class CDataCallback : public IWiaDataCallback
    LONG  m_cRef;               // Object reference count 
    PBYTE m_pBuffer;            // Data buffer
    LONG  m_nBufferLength;      // Length of buffer
    LONG  m_nBytesTransfered;   // Total number of bytes transferred
    GUID  m_guidFormat;         // Data format

    // Constructor and destructor
      : m_cRef(1),
        // Free the item buffer
        if (m_pBuffer)
            LocalFree( m_pBuffer );
            m_pBuffer = NULL;
        m_nBufferLength = 0;
        m_nBytesTransfered = 0;

    // IUnknown methods
    HRESULT CALLBACK QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject )
        // Validate arguments
        if (NULL == ppvObject)
            return E_INVALIDARG;

        // Return the appropriate interface
        if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_IUnknown ))
            *ppvObject = static_cast<CDataCallback *>(this);
        else if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_IWiaDataCallback ))
            *ppvObject = static_cast<CDataCallback *>(this);
            *ppvObject = NULL;

        // Increment the reference count before returning the interface.
        return S_OK;
        return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);
    ULONG CALLBACK Release()
        LONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef);
        if (0 == cRef)
            delete this;
        return cRef;

    // The IWiaDataTransfer::idtGetBandedData method periodically 
    // calls the IWiaDataCallback::BandedDataCallback method with
    // status messages. It sends the callback method a data header
    // message followed by one or more data messages to transfer 
    // data. It concludes by sending a termination message.
    HRESULT _stdcall BandedDataCallback(
            LONG lMessage,
            LONG lStatus,
            LONG lPercentComplete,
            LONG lOffset,
            LONG lLength,
            LONG lReserved,
            LONG lResLength,
            BYTE *pbData)
        switch (lMessage)
        case IT_MSG_DATA_HEADER:
                // The data header contains the image's final size.
                PWIA_DATA_CALLBACK_HEADER pHeader = reinterpret_cast(pbData);
                if (pHeader && pHeader->lBufferSize)
                    // Allocate a block of memory to hold the image
                    m_pBuffer = reinterpret_cast(LocalAlloc(LPTR,pHeader->lBufferSize));
                    if (m_pBuffer)
                        // Save the buffer size.
                        m_nBufferLength = pHeader->lBufferSize;

                        // Initialize the bytes transferred count.
                        m_nBytesTransfered = 0;

                        // Save the file format.
                        m_guidFormat = pHeader->guidFormatID;

        case IT_MSG_DATA:
                // Make sure a block of memory has been created.
                if (NULL != m_pBuffer)
                    // Copy the new band.
                    CopyMemory( m_pBuffer + lOffset, pbData, lLength );

                    // Increment the byte count.
                    m_nBytesTransfered += lLength;

        case IT_MSG_STATUS:
                // Display transfer phase
                if (lStatus & IT_STATUS_TRANSFER_FROM_DEVICE)
                    _tprintf(TEXT("Transfer from device\n"));
                else if (lStatus & IT_STATUS_PROCESSING_DATA)
                    _tprintf(TEXT("Processing Data\n"));
                else if (lStatus & IT_STATUS_TRANSFER_TO_CLIENT)
                    _tprintf(TEXT("Transfer to Client\n"));

                // Display percent complete
                _tprintf( TEXT("lPercentComplete: %d\n"), lPercentComplete );

        return S_OK;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wia_xp.h (include Wia.h)
Library Wiaguid.lib