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Usando IADs::GetInfoEx para recuperação de intervalo

O método IADs.GetInfoEx pode ser usado para recuperar um intervalo de valores de atributo. O intervalo de valores a serem recuperados é especificado na matriz de nome de atributo passada para o método.

Os especificadores de intervalo para uma consulta de propriedade exigem o seguinte formulário:

<property name>;range=<low range>-<high range>

onde "property name>" é o ldapDisplayName do atributo, "low range" é o índice baseado em zero do primeiro valor de atributo a ser recuperado e "high range>>"<<< é o índice baseado em zero do último valor de atributo a ser recuperado. Zero é usado para "intervalo> baixo"< para especificar a primeira entrada. O caractere curinga (*) pode ser usado para "intervalo> alto"< para especificar todas as entradas restantes.

O exemplo de código a seguir contém uma função que mostra como usar a recuperação de intervalo com IADs::GetInfoEx para enumerar os membros de um grupo.

HRESULT EnumGroupWithGetInfoEx(LPCWSTR pwszGroupDN, 
                               LPCWSTR pwszUsername, 
                               LPCWSTR pwszPassword)
    if(NULL == pwszGroupDN)
        return E_POINTER;
    HRESULT hr;
    IADs *pads;

    hr = ADsOpenObject( pwszGroupDN,

        const DWORD dwStep = 1000;
        DWORD dwLowRange;
        DWORD dwHighRange;
        WCHAR wszAttr[MAX_PATH];
        LPWSTR rgAttrs[1];

        rgAttrs[0] = wszAttr;

        dwLowRange = 0;
        dwHighRange = dwLowRange + (dwStep - 1);

            VARIANT var;

            // Perform this query with the "range=<lowRange>-<highRange>" range.
            swprintf_s(wszAttr, L"member;range=%d-%d", dwLowRange, dwHighRange);
            hr = ADsBuildVarArrayStr(rgAttrs, 1, &var);
                hr = pads->GetInfoEx(var, 0);

                    hr = pads->Get(CComBSTR("member"), &var);
                        if(var.vt == (VT_VARIANT | VT_ARRAY))
                            VARIANT *pVar;
                            long lLBound, lUBound;

                            // Get the array of VARIANTs.
                            hr = SafeArrayAccessData((SAFEARRAY*)(var.pparray), (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pVar);
                                // Get the bounds for the array.
                                hr = SafeArrayGetLBound((SAFEARRAY*)(var.pparray), 1, &lLBound);
                                hr = SafeArrayGetUBound((SAFEARRAY*)(var.pparray), 1, &lUBound);

                                // Get the number of elements.
                                long cElements = lUBound - lLBound + 1;

                                // Enumerate the elements.
                                for(long i = 0; i < cElements; i++)
                                    case VT_BSTR:

                                // Release the array.
                        // This occurs only if one element is retrieved.
                        else if (var.vt == VT_BSTR)


                    // Increment the high and low ranges to query for the next block of objects.
                    dwLowRange = dwHighRange + 1;
                    dwHighRange = dwLowRange + (dwStep - 1);


    return hr;

O exemplo de código a seguir contém uma função que mostra como usar a recuperação de intervalo com IADs.GetInfoEx para enumerar os membros de um grupo.

Private Sub EnumGroupMembersWithGetInfoEx(strGroupDN As String, strUsername As String, strPassword As String)
    Dim oGroup As IADs
    Dim dso As IADsOpenDSObject
    On Error GoTo quit
    strPath = "LDAP://" & strGroupDN
    If "" <> strUsername Then
        ' Bind to the group with the specified user name and password.
        Set dso = GetObject("LDAP:")
        Set oGroup = dso.OpenDSObject(strPath, strUsername, strPassword, 1)
        ' Bind to the group with the current credentials.
        Set oGroup = GetObject(strPath)
    End If
    ' For compatibility with all operating systems, the number of objects
    ' retrieved by each query should not exceed 999. The number of objects
    ' to retrieve should be as close as possible to 999 to reduce the number
    ' of round trips to the server necessary to retrieve the objects.
    rangeStep = 999
    lowRange = 0
    highRange = lowRange + rangeStep
        ' Use the "member;range=<lowRange>-<highRange>" syntax.
        strCommandText = "member;range=" & lowRange & "-" & highRange
        Debug.Print "Current search command: " & strCommandText
        ' Load the specified range of members into the local cache. This will
        ' throw an error if the range exceeds the properties contained in the
        ' object. The "On Error GoTo quit" error handler will cause the loop
        ' to terminate when this happens.
        On Error GoTo quit
        oGroup.GetInfoEx Array(strCommandText), 0
        ' Enumerate the retrieved members.
        oMembers = oGroup.Get("member")
        If vbArray And VarType(oMembers) Then
            For Each oMember In oMembers
                ' Add the member.
                Debug.Print oMember
                nRetrieved = nRetrieved + 1
            ' oGroup.Get returned only one member, so add it to the list.
            Debug.Print oMembers
            nRetrieved = nRetrieved + 1
        End If
        ' Increment the high and low ranges to query for the next block of objects.
        lowRange = highRange + 1
        highRange = lowRange + rangeStep
    Loop While True
End Sub