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StoreServicesExperimentVariation Class


Represents a variation for an A/B experiment that you have configured in Partner Center.

public ref class StoreServicesExperimentVariation sealed
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Static(Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement.IStoreServicesExperimentVariationStatics, 1)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Version(1)]
class StoreServicesExperimentVariation final
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Static(typeof(Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement.IStoreServicesExperimentVariationStatics), 1)]
public sealed class StoreServicesExperimentVariation
Public NotInheritable Class StoreServicesExperimentVariation
Object Platform::Object IInspectable StoreServicesExperimentVariation

Additional features and requirements

Software Development Kit
Minimum supported OS
Windows 10 (10.0.10240.0)


To retrieve an experiment variation in your app, use the GetCachedVariationAsync or GetRefreshedVariationAsync method to retrieve a StoreServicesExperimentVariationResult, and then use the ExperimentVariation property of this object to get a StoreServicesExperimentVariation that represents a variation. Use the properties and methods of this object to access the variation settings that you defined in Partner Center.

For a code example that demonstrates how to use this class, see Code your experiment in your app. This class is available in the Microsoft Store Services SDK.



Gets the ID of the experiment that is associated with this variation.


Gets the name of the experiment that is associated with this variation.


Gets the unique project ID of the experiment that is associated with this variation.


Indicates whether the current variation assignment needs to be refreshed from the server.


Gets the ID of the experiment variation that has been served to the app.


GetBoolean(String, Boolean)

Returns a variation value for the specified Boolean setting for an A/B experiment that you have configured in Partner Center.


Retrieves the current locally cached variation assignment for the specified experiment.

GetDouble(String, Double)

Returns a variation value for the specified Double setting for an A/B experiment that you have configured in Partner Center.

GetInt32(String, Int32)

Returns a variation value for the specified Int32 setting for an A/B experiment that you have configured in Partner Center.


Retrieves the latest variation assignment for the experiment from the server.

GetString(String, String)

Returns a variation value for the specified String setting for an A/B experiment that you have configured in Partner Center.

Applies to

See also