Compartilhar via

GlossaryOperations Class


GlossaryOperations(*args, **kwargs)



Assign the given term to the provided list of related objects.


Import Glossary Terms from local csv file by glossaryName.


Create a glossary.


Create glossary category in bulk.


Create a glossary category.


Create a glossary term.


Create glossary terms in bulk.


Delete a glossary.


Delete a glossary category.


Delete a glossary term.


Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.


Export Glossary Terms as csv file.


Get a specific glossary with detailed information.


Get all related objects assigned with the specified term.


Get a specific Glossary by its GUID.


Get specific glossary category by its GUID.


Get a specific glossary term by its GUID.


Get the status of import csv operation.


Get all terms associated with the specific category.


Get all glossaries registered with Atlas.


Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary.


Get the category headers belonging to a specific glossary.


Get term headers belonging to a specific glossary.


Get terms belonging to a specific glossary.


Get all related categories (parent and children). Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.


Get all related terms for a specific term by its GUID. Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.


Get terms by glossary name.


Update the glossary partially. Some properties such as qualifiedName are not allowed to be updated.


Update the glossary category partially.


Update the glossary term partially.


Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.


Update the given glossary.


Update the given glossary category by its GUID.


Update the given glossary term by its GUID.


Assign the given term to the provided list of related objects.

assign_term_to_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.


An array of related object IDs to which the term has to be associated.


Type Description



Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   related_object_ids = [
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
             active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
             values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "relationshipAttributes": {
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
           "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship
             status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
           "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "uniqueAttributes": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.


begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv(glossary_guid: str, files: Dict[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description


Type Description


Import Glossary Terms from local csv file by glossaryName.

begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv_by_glossary_name(glossary_name: str, files: Dict[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The name of the glossary.


Multipart input for files. See the template in our example to find the input shape.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.


By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.


Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


Type Description

An instance of LROPoller that returns JSON object


Type Description


   # multipart input template you can fill out and use as your `files` input.
   files = {
       "file": b'bytes'  # The csv file to import glossary terms from.

   # response body for status code(s): 202
   response.json() == {
       "createTime": "str",  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "error": {
           "errorCode": 0,  # Optional. Error code from async import job if
           "errorMessage": "str"  # Optional. Error message from async import
             job if fail.
       "id": "str",  # Optional. guid string.
       "lastUpdateTime": "str",  # Optional. The last updated time of the record.
       "properties": {
           "importedTerms": "str",  # Optional. Term numbers that already
             imported successfully.
           "totalTermsDetected": "str"  # Optional. Total term numbers that
             detected in csv.
       "status": "str"  # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation.
         Possible values include: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running".


Create a glossary.

create_glossary(atlas_glossary: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

Glossary definition, terms & categories can be anchored to a glossary. Using the anchor attribute when creating the Term/Category.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   atlas_glossary = {
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.


Create glossary category in bulk.

create_glossary_categories(glossary_category: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

An array of glossary category definitions to be created.


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   glossary_category = [
           "anchor": {
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "childrenCategories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the category header.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the parent category.
                   "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "parentCategory": {
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "terms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "anchor": {
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "childrenCategories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the category header.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the parent category.
                   "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "parentCategory": {
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "terms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Create a glossary category.

create_glossary_category(glossary_category: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The glossary category definition. A category must be anchored to a Glossary when creating. Optionally, terms belonging to the category and the hierarchy can also be defined during creation.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   glossary_category = {
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "childrenCategories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "parentCategory": {
           "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "childrenCategories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "parentCategory": {
           "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Create a glossary term.

create_glossary_term(glossary_term: MutableMapping[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The glossary term definition. A term must be anchored to a Glossary at the time of creation. Optionally it can be categorized as well.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   glossary_term = {
       "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "antonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "assignedEntities": [
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "relationshipAttributes": {
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                 relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related
                 object IDs.
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "uniqueAttributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the
       "attributes": {
           "str": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
                 which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
                 is term template name.
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship.
                 Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "classifies": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "contacts": {
           "str": [
                   "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory
                     object Id.
                   "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to
                     describe this contact.
       "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
       "examples": [
           "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "isA": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "preferredTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "preferredToTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "replacedBy": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "replacementTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "resources": [
               "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
               "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
       "seeAlso": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
         are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
       "synonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "templateName": [
           {}  # Optional.
       "translatedTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "translationTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
       "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
       "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
       "validValues": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "validValuesFor": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "antonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "assignedEntities": [
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "relationshipAttributes": {
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                 relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related
                 object IDs.
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "uniqueAttributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the
       "attributes": {
           "str": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
                 which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
                 is term template name.
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship.
                 Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "classifies": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "contacts": {
           "str": [
                   "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory
                     object Id.
                   "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to
                     describe this contact.
       "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
       "examples": [
           "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "isA": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "preferredTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "preferredToTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "replacedBy": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "replacementTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "resources": [
               "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
               "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
       "seeAlso": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
         are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
       "synonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "templateName": [
           {}  # Optional.
       "translatedTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "translationTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
       "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
       "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
       "validValues": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "validValuesFor": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Create glossary terms in bulk.

create_glossary_terms(glossary_term: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

An array of glossary term definitions to be created in bulk.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   glossary_term = [
           "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
           "anchor": {
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "antonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "assignedEntities": [
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                   "relationshipAttributes": {
                       "attributes": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes
                             of the struct.
                       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag
                         for concurrency control.
                       "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of
                         the type.
                   "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the relationship.
                   "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                     relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of
                     related object IDs.
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "uniqueAttributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes
                         of the object.
           "attributes": {
               "str": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the
                     term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
                     layer map is term template name.
           "categories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the record.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "classifies": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "contacts": {
               "str": [
                       "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active
                         Directory object Id.
                       "info": "str"  # Optional. additional
                         information to describe this contact.
           "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
           "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
           "examples": [
               "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "isA": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "preferredTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "preferredToTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "replacedBy": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "replacementTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "resources": [
                   "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for
                   "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
           "seeAlso": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
             values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
           "synonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "templateName": [
               {}  # Optional.
           "translatedTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "translationTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
           "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
           "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
           "validValues": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "validValuesFor": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
           "anchor": {
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "antonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "assignedEntities": [
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                   "relationshipAttributes": {
                       "attributes": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes
                             of the struct.
                       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag
                         for concurrency control.
                       "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of
                         the type.
                   "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the relationship.
                   "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                     relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of
                     related object IDs.
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "uniqueAttributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes
                         of the object.
           "attributes": {
               "str": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the
                     term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
                     layer map is term template name.
           "categories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the record.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "classifies": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "contacts": {
               "str": [
                       "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active
                         Directory object Id.
                       "info": "str"  # Optional. additional
                         information to describe this contact.
           "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
           "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
           "examples": [
               "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "isA": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "preferredTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "preferredToTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "replacedBy": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "replacementTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "resources": [
                   "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for
                   "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
           "seeAlso": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
             values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
           "synonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "templateName": [
               {}  # Optional.
           "translatedTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "translationTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
           "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
           "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
           "validValues": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "validValuesFor": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Delete a glossary.

delete_glossary(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.


Type Description



Type Description


Delete a glossary category.

delete_glossary_category(category_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None


Name Description

The globally unique identifier of the category.


Type Description



Type Description


Delete a glossary term.

delete_glossary_term(term_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.


Type Description



Type Description


Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.

delete_term_assignment_from_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.


An array of related object IDs from which the term has to be dissociated.


Type Description



Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   related_object_ids = [
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
             active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
             values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "relationshipAttributes": {
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
           "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship
             status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
           "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "uniqueAttributes": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.


Export Glossary Terms as csv file.

export_glossary_terms_as_csv(glossary_guid: str, term_guids: List[str], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> IO


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.


An array of term guids.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description



Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   term_guids = [
       "str"  # Optional.


Get a specific glossary with detailed information.

get_detailed_glossary(glossary_guid: str, *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "categoryInfo": {
           "str": {
               "anchor": {
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "childrenCategories": [
                       "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the category.
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the category header.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The
                         GUID of the parent category.
                       "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
               "classifications": [
                       "attributes": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes
                             of the struct.
                       "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the entity.
                       "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of
                         the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not
                         removed from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag
                         for concurrency control.
                       "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                         Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the
                         source who create the classification detail.
                       "sourceDetails": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on
                             source information.
                       "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of
                         the type.
                       "validityPeriods": [
                               "endTime": "str",  #
                                 Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                               "startTime": "str",  #
                                 Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                               "timeZone": "str"  #
                                 Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version
               "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
               "parentCategory": {
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the category header.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the parent category.
                   "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of
                 the glossary object.
               "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
               "terms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "termInfo": {
           "str": {
               "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the
               "anchor": {
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "antonyms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "assignedEntities": [
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of
                         the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not
                         removed from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                       "relationshipAttributes": {
                           "attributes": {
                               "str": {}  # Optional. The
                                 attributes of the struct.
                           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional.
                             ETag for concurrency control.
                           "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The
                             name of the type.
                       "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The
                         GUID of the relationship.
                       "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The
                         enum of relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE",
                       "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An
                         array of related object IDs.
                       "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of
                         the type.
                       "uniqueAttributes": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. The unique
                             attributes of the object.
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes
                         of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of
                         the first layer map is term template name.
               "categories": [
                       "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the category.
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the record.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "classifications": [
                       "attributes": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes
                             of the struct.
                       "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the entity.
                       "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of
                         the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not
                         removed from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag
                         for concurrency control.
                       "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                         Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the
                         source who create the classification detail.
                       "sourceDetails": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on
                             source information.
                       "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of
                         the type.
                       "validityPeriods": [
                               "endTime": "str",  #
                                 Optional. The end of the time boundary.
                               "startTime": "str",  #
                                 Optional. The start of the time boundary.
                               "timeZone": "str"  #
                                 Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
               "classifies": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "contacts": {
                   "str": [
                           "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure
                             Active Directory object Id.
                           "info": "str"  # Optional. additional
                             information to describe this contact.
               "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the
               "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the
               "examples": [
                   "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "isA": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version
               "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
               "preferredTerms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "preferredToTerms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of
                 the glossary object.
               "replacedBy": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "replacementTerms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "resources": [
                       "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display
                         name for url.
                       "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or
               "seeAlso": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
               "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                 AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert",
               "synonyms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "templateName": [
                   {}  # Optional. The glossary term information.
               "translatedTerms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "translationTerms": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the
               "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the
               "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
               "validValues": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
               "validValuesFor": [
                       "description": "str",  # Optional. The
                         description of the related term.
                       "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display text.
                       "expression": "str",  # Optional. The
                         expression of the term.
                       "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID
                         of the relationship.
                       "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of
                         the term.
                       "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of
                         term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
                         "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                       "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of
                         the term.
                       "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of
                         the term.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.


Get all related objects assigned with the specified term.

get_entities_assigned_with_term(term_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
             active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
             values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "relationshipAttributes": {
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
           "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship
             status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
           "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "uniqueAttributes": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.


Get a specific Glossary by its GUID.

get_glossary(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.


Get specific glossary category by its GUID.

get_glossary_category(category_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier of the category.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "childrenCategories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "parentCategory": {
           "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Get a specific glossary term by its GUID.

get_glossary_term(term_guid: str, *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, exclude_relationship_type_list: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


An array of relationship types which need to be excluded. Default value is None.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "antonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "assignedEntities": [
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "relationshipAttributes": {
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                 relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related
                 object IDs.
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "uniqueAttributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the
       "attributes": {
           "str": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
                 which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
                 is term template name.
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship.
                 Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "classifies": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "contacts": {
           "str": [
                   "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory
                     object Id.
                   "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to
                     describe this contact.
       "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
       "examples": [
           "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "isA": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "preferredTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "preferredToTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "replacedBy": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "replacementTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "resources": [
               "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
               "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
       "seeAlso": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
         are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
       "synonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "templateName": [
           {}  # Optional.
       "translatedTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "translationTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
       "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
       "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
       "validValues": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "validValuesFor": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Get the status of import csv operation.

get_import_csv_operation_status(operation_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for async operation/job.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "createTime": "str",  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "error": {
           "errorCode": 0,  # Optional. Error code from async import job if
           "errorMessage": "str"  # Optional. Error message from async import
             job if fail.
       "id": "str",  # Optional. guid string.
       "lastUpdateTime": "str",  # Optional. The last updated time of the record.
       "properties": {
           "importedTerms": "str",  # Optional. Term numbers that already
             imported successfully.
           "totalTermsDetected": "str"  # Optional. Total term numbers that
             detected in csv.
       "status": "str"  # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation.
         Known values are: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running".


Get all terms associated with the specific category.

list_category_terms(category_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier of the category.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
           "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
           "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
           "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Known
             values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
           "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
           "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Get all glossaries registered with Atlas.

list_glossaries(*, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', ignore_terms_and_categories: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Whether ignore terms and categories. Default value is False.


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "categories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the category header.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the parent category.
                   "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "terms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.


Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary.

list_glossary_categories(glossary_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "anchor": {
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "childrenCategories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the category header.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the parent category.
                   "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "parentCategory": {
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "terms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Get the category headers belonging to a specific glossary.

list_glossary_categories_headers(glossary_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.


Get term headers belonging to a specific glossary.

list_glossary_term_headers(glossary_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the related
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
           "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
           "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
           "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term relationship. Known
             values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
           "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
           "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Get terms belonging to a specific glossary.

list_glossary_terms(glossary_guid: str, *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
           "anchor": {
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "antonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "assignedEntities": [
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                   "relationshipAttributes": {
                       "attributes": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes
                             of the struct.
                       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag
                         for concurrency control.
                       "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of
                         the type.
                   "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the relationship.
                   "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                     relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of
                     related object IDs.
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "uniqueAttributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes
                         of the object.
           "attributes": {
               "str": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the
                     term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
                     layer map is term template name.
           "categories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the record.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "classifies": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "contacts": {
               "str": [
                       "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active
                         Directory object Id.
                       "info": "str"  # Optional. additional
                         information to describe this contact.
           "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
           "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
           "examples": [
               "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "isA": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "preferredTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "preferredToTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "replacedBy": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "replacementTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "resources": [
                   "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for
                   "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
           "seeAlso": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
             values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
           "synonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "templateName": [
               {}  # Optional.
           "translatedTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "translationTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
           "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
           "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
           "validValues": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "validValuesFor": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

Get all related categories (parent and children). Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.

list_related_categories(category_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier of the category.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description
dict[str, list[<xref:JSON>]]

dict mapping str to list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "str": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the

Get all related terms for a specific term by its GUID. Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.

list_related_terms(term_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC".


Type Description
dict[str, list[<xref:JSON>]]

dict mapping str to list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "str": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Get terms by glossary name.

list_terms_by_glossary_name(glossary_name: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]


Name Description

The name of the glossary.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None.


The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None.


Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description

list of JSON object


Type Description


   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == [
           "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
           "anchor": {
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
           "antonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "assignedEntities": [
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
                   "relationshipAttributes": {
                       "attributes": {
                           "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes
                             of the struct.
                       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag
                         for concurrency control.
                       "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of
                         the type.
                   "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of
                     the relationship.
                   "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                     relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of
                     related object IDs.
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "uniqueAttributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes
                         of the object.
           "attributes": {
               "str": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the
                     term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
                     layer map is term template name.
           "categories": [
                   "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the record.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
           "classifications": [
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the
                     entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
                     from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  #
                     Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who
                     create the classification detail.
                   "sourceDetails": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
                   "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
                   "validityPeriods": [
                           "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             end of the time boundary.
                           "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The
                             start of the time boundary.
                           "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The
                             timezone of the time boundary.
           "classifies": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "contacts": {
               "str": [
                       "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active
                         Directory object Id.
                       "info": "str"  # Optional. additional
                         information to describe this contact.
           "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
           "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
           "examples": [
               "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "isA": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
           "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
           "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
           "preferredTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "preferredToTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the
             glossary object.
           "replacedBy": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "replacementTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "resources": [
                   "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for
                   "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
           "seeAlso": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of
           "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
             values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
           "synonyms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "templateName": [
               {}  # Optional.
           "translatedTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "translationTerms": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
           "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
           "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
           "validValues": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
           "validValuesFor": [
                   "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of
                     the related term.
                   "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
                   "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of
                     the term.
                   "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                   "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
                   "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                     relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                     "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
                   "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the
                   "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Update the glossary partially. Some properties such as qualifiedName are not allowed to be updated.

partial_update_glossary(glossary_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.


A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   partial_updates = {
       "str": "str"  # Optional.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.


Update the glossary category partially.

partial_update_glossary_category(category_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier of the category.


A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values for partial update.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   partial_updates = {
       "str": "str"  # Optional.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "childrenCategories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "parentCategory": {
           "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Update the glossary term partially.

partial_update_glossary_term(term_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.


A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values to be updated.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   partial_updates = {
       "str": "str"  # Optional.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "antonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "assignedEntities": [
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "relationshipAttributes": {
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                 relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related
                 object IDs.
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "uniqueAttributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the
       "attributes": {
           "str": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
                 which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
                 is term template name.
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship.
                 Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "classifies": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "contacts": {
           "str": [
                   "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory
                     object Id.
                   "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to
                     describe this contact.
       "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
       "examples": [
           "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "isA": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "preferredTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "preferredToTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "replacedBy": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "replacementTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "resources": [
               "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
               "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
       "seeAlso": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
         are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
       "synonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "templateName": [
           {}  # Optional.
       "translatedTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "translationTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
       "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
       "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
       "validValues": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "validValuesFor": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.

remove_term_assignment_from_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.


An array of related object IDs from which the term has to be dissociated.


Type Description



Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   related_object_ids = [
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
             active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
             values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
           "relationshipAttributes": {
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
           "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of relationship
             status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
           "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional.
           "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
           "uniqueAttributes": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.


Update the given glossary.

update_glossary(glossary_guid: str, updated_glossary: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary.


The glossary definition to be updated.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   updated_glossary = {
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "language": "str",  # Optional. The language of the glossary.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "usage": "str"  # Optional. The usage of the glossary.


Update the given glossary category by its GUID.

update_glossary_category(category_guid: str, glossary_category: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier of the category.


The glossary category to be updated.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   glossary_category = {
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "childrenCategories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "parentCategory": {
           "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "childrenCategories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 category header.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                 parent category.
               "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "parentCategory": {
           "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
           "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the category
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "parentCategoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the parent
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "terms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.


Update the given glossary term by its GUID.

update_glossary_term(term_guid: str, glossary_term: MutableMapping[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

The globally unique identifier for glossary term.


The glossary term to be updated.

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   glossary_term = {
       "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "antonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "assignedEntities": [
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "relationshipAttributes": {
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                 relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related
                 object IDs.
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "uniqueAttributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the
       "attributes": {
           "str": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
                 which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
                 is term template name.
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship.
                 Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "classifies": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "contacts": {
           "str": [
                   "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory
                     object Id.
                   "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to
                     describe this contact.
       "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
       "examples": [
           "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "isA": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "preferredTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "preferredToTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "replacedBy": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "replacementTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "resources": [
               "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
               "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
       "seeAlso": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
         are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
       "synonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "templateName": [
           {}  # Optional.
       "translatedTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "translationTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
       "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
       "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
       "validValues": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "validValuesFor": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "abbreviation": "str",  # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
       "anchor": {
           "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
           "glossaryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
           "relationGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
       "antonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "assignedEntities": [
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
               "relationshipAttributes": {
                   "attributes": {
                       "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the
                   "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for
                     concurrency control.
                   "typeName": "str"  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "relationshipGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "relationshipStatus": "str",  # Optional. The enum of
                 relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "relationshipType": "str",  # Optional. An array of related
                 object IDs.
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "uniqueAttributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The unique attributes of the
       "attributes": {
           "str": {
               "str": {}  # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
                 which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
                 is term template name.
       "categories": [
               "categoryGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the category.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "status": "str"  # Optional. The status of term relationship.
                 Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
       "classifications": [
               "attributes": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
               "entityGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
               "entityStatus": "str",  # Optional. Status of the entity -
                 can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
                 store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
               "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency
               "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool,  # Optional.
                 Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
               "source": "str",  # Optional. indicate the source who create
                 the classification detail.
               "sourceDetails": {
                   "str": {}  # Optional. more detail on source
               "typeName": "str",  # Optional. The name of the type.
               "validityPeriods": [
                       "endTime": "str",  # Optional. The end of the
                         time boundary.
                       "startTime": "str",  # Optional. The start of
                         the time boundary.
                       "timeZone": "str"  # Optional. The timezone
                         of the time boundary.
       "classifies": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "contacts": {
           "str": [
                   "id": "str",  # Optional. Azure Active Directory
                     object Id.
                   "info": "str"  # Optional. additional information to
                     describe this contact.
       "createTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The created time of the record.
       "createdBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who created the record.
       "examples": [
           "str"  # Optional. An array of examples.
       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the object.
       "isA": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "lastModifiedTS": "str",  # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
       "longDescription": "str",  # Optional. The long version description.
       "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
       "preferredTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "preferredToTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
       "replacedBy": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "replacementTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "resources": [
               "displayName": "str",  # Optional. Display name for url.
               "url": "str"  # Optional. web url. http or https.
       "seeAlso": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "shortDescription": "str",  # Optional. The short version of description.
       "status": "str",  # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
         are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
       "synonyms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "templateName": [
           {}  # Optional.
       "translatedTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "translationTerms": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "updateTime": 0.0,  # Optional. The update time of the record.
       "updatedBy": "str",  # Optional. The user who updated the record.
       "usage": "str",  # Optional. The usage of the term.
       "validValues": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.
       "validValuesFor": [
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
                 related term.
               "displayText": "str",  # Optional. The display text.
               "expression": "str",  # Optional. The expression of the term.
               "relationGuid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
               "source": "str",  # Optional. The source of the term.
               "status": "str",  # Optional. The status of term
                 relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
                 "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
               "steward": "str",  # Optional. The steward of the term.
               "termGuid": "str"  # Optional. The GUID of the term.