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Use the Language Pack Setup Tool to Install a Language Pack

You can use the Language Pack Setup tool (Lpksetup.exe) to add or remove language packs after Windows is installed.


The Language Pack Setup tool verifies the licensing requirements of your installed Windows system and will alert you if you cannot install additional language packs.

You can run the lpksetup.exe as part of an unattended installation by creating a RunSynchronous command and specifying the exact Lpksetup parameters. For more information about the lpksetup command-line usage, see Lpksetup Command-Line Options.

To use lpksetup.exe during an unattended installation

  1. Use Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) to create an answer file.

  2. Add a RunSynchronous command to the pass in which you want to install the language pack. For more information, see Add a Custom Command to an Answer File. For the command, specify the command line options that you intend to use. For example, type:
    lpksetup.exe /i de-DE /r /p %SYSTEMDRIVE%\LangPacks
    The Lpksetup tool requires administrator privilege to run. The RunSynchronous command must run in an account that has administrator privilege. Running Lpksetup during unattended installation is supported only in the following configuration passes:

    • auditUser
    • oobeSystem

    The Lpksetup tool will not process language packs in any other configuration pass.
    The language pack installation may take several minutes. If you configure Lpksetup to run during the oobeSystem pass, it will delay an end user from logging on to the computer.

  3. Save the answer file and close Windows SIM. The answer file must be similar to the following sample:

       <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
           <CommandLine>lpksetup.exe /i de-DE /r /p %SYSTEMDRIVE%\LangPacks</CommandLine>
           <Description>Install German (Germany) Language Pack</Description>
  4. Run setup and apply the answer file.
    The language pack is added to the computer. In some cases, the computer must be rebooted.

To use Lpksetup after Windows Setup completes

  1. Install Windows.
  2. Copy the language pack to an accessible location in the installed Windows operating system.
  3. Run Lpksetup in one of the following ways:
    • At a command prompt, run lpksetup.
      The Install or Uninstall Display Languages window appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to add a language pack.
    • At a command prompt, run lpksetup with the options to install or to update language packs. For more information about the command-line syntax, see, Lpksetup Command-Line Options.
      The language pack is added to the operating system. In some cases, the computer must be rebooted.

See Also


Add a Language Pack to a Windows Image