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Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating from Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 on a server running Windows Small Business Server 2008

Published: September 2, 2010

Updated: September 16, 2010

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008


Microsoft® SharePoint Foundation 2010 provides a Web-based collaboration platform that is more secure and easy to manage. With SharePoint Foundation 2010, the people in your organization can quickly access the documents and information they need to make good decisions and get work done. For more information about SharePoint Foundation 2010, visit the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 website (

SharePoint Foundation 2010 includes new database technology that makes it challenging to perform an in-place upgrade from an existing installation of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3.0) on a computer running Windows® Small Business Server 2008 (Windows SBS 2008). This article provides step-by-step instructions to help you migrate your internal website (companyweb) and other websites from WSS 3.0 to SharePoint Foundation 2010.


SharePoint Foundation 2010 is not included in Windows SBS 2008. Because of this, the following features of Windows SBS 2008 do not work after you migrate to SharePoint Foundation 2010:

  • Fax services for network users

  • Archive e-mail messages that are sent to a security group on a WSS 3.0 website

Migration Steps

This section lists the steps necessary to install SharePoint Foundation 2010 on a server running Windows Small Business Server 2008, and then to migrate your WSS 3.0 websites to SharePoint Foundation 2010. Follow the steps in the order listed to migrate successfully.

  • Step 1: Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)

  • Step 2: Run the pre-upgrade checker for SharePoint Foundation 2010

  • Step 3: Back up the existing data on your server

  • Step 4: Back up the Windows Internal Database files

  • Step 5: Uninstall Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and edit the Registry

  • Step 6: Install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 in Farm mode

  • Step 7: Remove the default Web application in SharePoint Central Administration

  • Step 8: Create a new SharePoint application in SharePoint Central Administration

  • Step 9: Detach the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 database from Windows Internal Database

  • Step 10: Attach the ShareWebDb database to SQL Server 2008

  • Step 11: Remove the existing content database

  • Step 12: Connect the ShareWebDb content database

  • Step 13: Recreate the original internal website environment

  • Step 14: Install Windows Small Business Server 2008 Update Rollup 4

  • Step 15: Edit the site bindings for the companyweb site

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Step 1: Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)


If Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP2 is already installed on the server, you can skip this step and proceed with Step 2.

To successfully migrate your internal website from WSS 3.0 to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP2 must be installed on the server.

To install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP2

  1. Go to the download page at the Microsoft Download Center (

  2. In the Files in the Download section, locate the file wssv3sp2-kb953338-x64-fullfile-<Lang>.exe (where <Lang> indicates the language designation of the download), and click Download for that version of the file.

  3. Save the installation file to a location on the server.

  4. Browse to the location on the server where you saved the installation file, and then double-click the file to begin the installation.

  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the service pack.

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Step 2: Run the pre-upgrade checker for SharePoint Foundation 2010

You can use the pre-upgrade checker to report on the status of your environment and SharePoint sites before you upgrade to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010. Microsoft strongly recommends that you run the pre-upgrade checker and resolve as many problems as possible before starting the upgrade.


For more information, see the “Run the pre-upgrade checker (SharePoint Foundation 2010)” at the Microsoft website (

To run the pre-upgrade checker

  1. Click Start, in the Search box type cmd, in Programs right-click cmd, and then click Run as administrator.

  2. At the command prompt, type cd “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN”, and then press ENTER.

  3. At the command prompt, type stsadm -o preupgradecheck, and then press ENTER.

After you run the pre-upgrade checker, the report automatically opens in your default browser. You can also view the report by opening it from its location in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\LOGS directory.

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Step 3: Back up the existing data on your server

This procedure uses the Stsadm command to export the data from your internal website to a backup file named companyweb.bak. For this command to succeed, your internal website must be functioning. If you do not succeed with this step, follow the instructions in the topic “Repair the Windows SharePoint Services Domain Name System” ( to repair your Internet Information Services (IIS) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings. If you have additional IIS sites other than companyweb, make sure and back those sites up as well.

To back up the existing data on your server

  1. Click Start, in the Search box type cmd, in Programs right-click cmd, and then click Run as administrator.

  2. At the command prompt, type cd “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN”, and then press ENTER.

  3. At the command prompt, type stsadm -o export -url https://companyweb -filename companyweb.bak -includeusersecurity, and then press ENTER.


If you need to back up other IIS websites, use the command in step 3, but change the filename to match the name of the website that you are backing up. For example, if you are backing up the website https://companyresources, back the website up to the filename companyresources.bak.

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Step 4: Back up the Windows Internal Database files

To back up the Windows Internal Database files

  1. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

  2. In the User Account Control window, click Continue.

  3. In Services, double click Windows Internal Database (MICROSOFT##SSEE).

  4. On the General tab of the Windows Internal Database (MICROSOFT##SSEE) Properties page, change Startup type to Disabled, and for Service status, click Stop, and then click OK.

  5. Back up the following files or folders by copying them to your hard disk drive or to an external storage device, such as a USB flash drive.

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\SharePoint_AdminContent_*.mdf

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\SharePoint_AdminContent_*_log.LDF

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\SharePoint_Config_*.mdf

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\SharePoint_Config_*_log.LDF

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\ShareWebDb.mdf

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\ShareWebDb_log.LDF

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\WSS_Content.mdf

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\WSS_Content_log.LDF

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\WSS_Search_WIN-*.mdf

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\WSS_Search_WIN-*.LDF

    • Drive:\WSUS\SUSDB\UpdateServicesDbFiles\SUSDB.mdf

    • Drive:\WSUS\SUSDB\UpdateServicesDbFiles\SUSDB_log.ldf

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\SchemaSig\WSUSSignDb.cer

    • Drive:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\SchemaSig\WSUSSignDb.dll


  • An asterisk (*) indicates a string of randomly generated characters.

  • Drive is the letter of the drive where you installed Windows SBS 2008.

    1. In Services, double click Windows Internal Database (MICROSOFT##SSEE), change Startup type to Automatic, and then click Apply.

    2. For Service status, click Start, and then click OK.

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    Step 5: Uninstall Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and edit the Registry

    Before you can install the core SharePoint Foundation 2010 software, you must first:

    1. Install prerequisite software for SharePoint Foundation 2010

    2. Uninstall Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

    3. Edit the registry

    To install prerequisite software for SharePoint Foundation 2010

    1. Download SharePoint Foundation 2010 from the Microsoft Download Center (, and save the installation file to a location on the server.

    2. Browse to the location on the server where you saved the installation file, double-click the file SharePointFoundation.exe, and then click Install software prerequisites.

    3. In the SharePoint 2010 Products Preparation tool, click Next.

    4. On the License Terms page, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement(s), and then click Next. The tool installs and configures the required software. The server may restart during this time.

    5. On the Installation Complete page, verify that each prerequisite is listed as either successfully installed or as already installed.

    6. Click Finish.


    After you click Finish, it may be necessary to restart the server.

    To uninstall Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

    1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Programs and Features.

    2. Select Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, and then click Uninstall.

    3. After uninstalling Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, restart the server.

    To edit the registry

    1. Click Start, in the Search box, type regedit, and then press ENTER.


    Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

    1. In the User Account Control window, click Continue.

    2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\VssAccessControl\.

    3. Double-click NETWORK SERVICE, and then, in Value data, type 1.

    4. Close Registry Editor

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    Step 6: Install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 in Farm mode

    To Install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 in Farm mode

    1. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Service Pack 1 (SP1).

      1. Download SQL Server 2008 Express SP1 from the Microsoft Download Center ( ) and install the service pack on the server.

      2. After installing SQL Server 2008 Express SP1, create a database instance with the name “Express”. You will use this database instance later in this procedure.


    Make sure that the new instance of SQL Server 2008 Express is running as a domain account.

    1. Run the SharePoint 2010 Products Preparation tool again.

      1. Browse to the location on the server where you saved the installation file, double-click the file SharePointFoundation.exe, and then click Install software prerequisites.

      2. In the SharePoint 2010 Products Preparation tool, click Next.

      3. On the License Terms page, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement(s), and then click Next. The tool installs and configures the required software. The server may restart during this time.

      4. On the Installation Complete page, verify that each prerequisite is listed as either successfully installed or as already installed.

      5. Click Finish.

    2. Install SharePoint Server Foundation 2010 in Farm mode

      1. On the server Desktop, double-click the file SharePointFoundation.exe, and then click Install SharePoint Foundation 2010. When the software installation is complete, the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard appears.

      2. In the Connect to the server farm dialog box, choose Create a new server farm.

      3. In Specify Configuration Database Settings, type the name of the database server in the format of Computer Name\Database instance name. Use the database instance name of Express, which you created earlier in this procedure.


    The database server name is case sensitive.

    4.  Type the username and password for the domain administrator.
    5.  Follow the instructions in the wizard to finish installing SharePoint Foundation 2010.

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    Step 7: Remove the default Web application in SharePoint Central Administration

    To remove the default Web application in SharePoint Central Administration

    1. Click Start, click All Programs, and then click SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

    2. In the User Account Control window, click Continue.

    3. Click Central Administration.

    4. In the Application Management category, click Manage Web Applications, choose the default Web application (SharePoint – 80), and then click Delete Web application.

    5. On the Delete Web Application page, in Delete content databases, click No.

    6. In Delete IIS Web sites, click Yes.


    If only one Web application exists, it cannot be deleted. In this case, you can skip this step.

    1. Click Delete, and then click OK to confirm.

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    Step 8: Create a new SharePoint application in SharePoint Central Administration

    To create a new SharePoint application in SharePoint 2010 Central Administration

    1. Click Start, click All Programs, and then click SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

    2. In the User Account Control window, click Continue.

    3. Click Central Administration.

    4. Click Manage web applications, and then click New.

    5. In the IIS Web Site section, do the following:

      1. Click Create a new IIS Web site, and then in the Name box, type SBS SharePoint.

      2. In the Port box, type 80.

      3. In the Path box, type <drive>:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\webapp\InternalWebSite, where <drive> is the letter of the drive where you installed the operating system.

    6. In the Security Configuration section, select these options:

      1. For Authentication provider, select NTLM.

      2. For Allow Anonymous, select No.

      3. For Use SSL, select No.

    7. For Public URL, verify that Default is the setting for Zone.

    8. In the Application Pool section, click Create new application pool, and then, in the Application pool name box, type SBS SharePoint AppPool.


    The application pool name is case sensitive.

    1. In the Database Name and Authentication section, do not change the values for Database Server or Database Name.

    2. In Database Authentication, click Windows authentication (recommended).

    3. Click OK, and wait for the process to complete. When the Application Created page appears, click OK.

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    Step 9: Detach the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 database from Windows Internal Database


    To perform this procedure, the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Command Line Query Utility (Sqlcmd) must be installed on the server. You can download Sqlcmd from the Microsoft Download Center ( For related information, see the topic “sqlcmd Utility” at the MSDN Web site (

    To detach the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 database from Windows Internal Database

    1. Click Start, in the Search box type cmd, in Programs right-click cmd, and then click Run as administrator.

    2. At the command prompt, type the following commands and press ENTER after each command.

      • sqlcmd -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query

      • use master

      • alter database ShareWebDb set single_user with rollback immediate

      • go

      • sp_detach_db ‘ShareWebDb’

      • go

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    Step 10: Attach the ShareWebDb database to SQL Server 2008

    To attach the original database (ShareWebDb) to SQL Server 2008

    1. Uninstall SQL Server Management Studio Express.

      1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Programs and Features.

      2. Select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express, and then click Uninstall.

    2. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express. You can download the program from the Microsoft Download Center (

    3. When you install SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express, on the Installation Type page, choose Perform a new installation of SQL Server 2008, and then select the Management Tools – Basic option in Feature Selection.


    SQL Server 2008 Management Express includes SQL Server Management Studio.

    1. Open SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, and then open the SQL Server instance named “Express” that you created in the section “Step 4: Install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 in Farm mode.”

    2. Right-click the Databases node, and then click Attach.

    3. In the Attach Database dialog box, browse to the location where you transferred the .mdf and .ldf files in “Step 2: Back up the Windows Internal Database files,” select the ShareWebDb.mdf file for the database that you want to attach, and then click OK.

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    Step 11: Remove the existing content database

    To remove the existing content database

    1. In SharePoint 2010 Central Administration, click Application Management, and then in the Databases section, click Manage content databases.

    2. On the Manage Content Databases page, click the content database that you want to remove.

    3. On the Manage Content Database Settings page, select the Remove content database check box, and then click OK.

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    Step 12: Connect the ShareWebDb content database

    After you connect to the Windows Internal Database, the Move SharePoint Data wizard does not work. To work around this issue, follow the instructions in this step to connect the ShareWebDb content database.

    To connect the ShareWebDb content database

    1. Click Start, in the Search box type cmd, in Programs right-click cmd, and then click Run as administrator.

    2. At the command prompt, type the following commands and press ENTER after each command.

      • cd “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN”

      • stsadm -o addcontentdb -url https://localhost -databasename ShareWebDb

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    Step 13: Recreate the original internal website environment

    To recreate the original internal website environment

    1. Click Start, click All Programs, and then click SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

    2. In the User Account Control window, click Continue.

    3. Click Central Administration.

    4. In the System Settings section, click Manage services on server.

    5. Click SharePoint Foundation Search, and then click Start.

    6. On the Configure Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Search Service Settings page, type a user name and password for the Content Access Account, and then click Start.

    7. Return to the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Web page, and then click System Settings.

    8. In the E-Mail and Text Messages (SMS) section, click Configure incoming e-mail settings.


    A message may appear notifying you that the SMTP service is not installed. You can safely ignore the message at this time.

    1. For Enable Incoming E-Mail, choose Yes.

    2. For Incoming E-Mail Server Display Address, type companyweb.

    3. For E-Mail Drop Folder, type C:\inetpub\mailroot\drop, then click OK.

    4. Return to the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Web page, and then click System Settings.

    5. In the E-Mail and Text Messages (SMS) section, click Configure outgoing e-mail settings.

    6. In the Mail Settings section, configure the following settings:

      1. In the Outbound SMTP server box, type SharePointSMTPServer.

      2. In the From address box, type the e-mail address as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients in the form of companywebadmin@Domain-name (where Domain-name is the name of your organizations Internet domain). For example, if your domain name is “”, type

      3. In the Reply-to address box, type companywebadmin@Domain-name (where Domain-name is the name of your organizations Internet domain).

      4. In the Character set list, select 65001(Unicode UTF-8), and then click OK.

    7. Return to the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Web page, and then click System Settings.

    8. In Farm Management, click Configure alternate access mappings, and then click Edit Public URLs.

    9. For Alternate Access Mapping Collection, select, click No selection, and then click Change Alternate Access Mapping Collection

    10. On the Select An Alternate Access Mapping Collection page, click SBS SharePoint, and then configure the following settings:

      1. In the Intranet box, type https://companyweb.

      2. In the Internet box, do one of the following:

        • If you have already run the Set up your Internet address task in the Windows SBS Console, type the Internet address in the format of https://Fully Qualified Domain Name:987.

        • If you have not yet run the Set up your Internet address task in the Windows SBS Console, type https://sites:987, then click Save.

    11. Return to the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Web page, and then click Security.

    12. In the General Security section, click Specify authentication providers.

    13. On the Authentication Providers page, click the Web Application drop down list, and then click Change Web Application.

    14. On the Select Web Application page, click SBS SharePoint,

    15. On the Authentication Providers page, click the Default zone.

    16. In IIS Authentication Settings, choose the Negotiate (Kerberos) option, and then click Save.

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    Step 14: Install Windows Small Business Server 2008 Update Rollup 4

    To Install Windows SBS 2008 Update Rollup 4

    1. Download Windows SBS 2008 Update Rollup 4 from the Microsoft website, and save the file to a location on the server.

      1. Go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website (

      2. In the search box, type 979454, and then press Search.

      3. For the item Update Rollup 4 for Windows Small Business Server 2008 (KB979454), click Add.

      4. Click view basket.

      5. Click Download.

      6. Browse to a folder where you want to save the file, and then click Continue.

      7. After the download is complete, click Close.

    2. Open the folder where you saved the download, open the folder named Update Rollup 4 for Windows Small Business Server 2008 (KB979454), and then double-click the cab file in the folder.

    3. Double-click the file SBS2008-KB97954-X64-<Lang>.msp (where <Lang> indicates the language designation of the download), and then select a destination folder in which to extract the file.

    4. Open the folder where you extracted the file, double-click the file SBS2008-KB97954-X64-<Lang>.msp, and then follow the instructions in the wizard to install the update.


    After you install Update Rollup 4 for Windows Small Business Server 2008, it may be necessary to manually crawl the file structure to restore full index functionality.

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    Step 15: Edit the site bindings for the companyweb site

    To edit the site bindings for the companyweb site

    1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

    2. In the IIS Manager Connections pane, expand the node for your server, expand Sites, and then click SBS SharePoint.

    3. In the Actions pane, click Bindings.

    4. In the Site Bindings window, select the http type, and then click Edit.

    5. In the Edit Site Binding window, in the Host name box, type companyweb, and then click OK.

    6. In the Site Bindings window, click Add.

    7. In the Add Site Binding window, configure the following settings:

      • For Type, select https.

      • For SSL certificate, select remote.<domain name> (where <domain name> is the name of your Internet domain).

      • For Port, type 987.

    8. Click OK, and then click Yes to save your settings.

    9. Close the Site Bindings window.

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