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How do I get help with installation issues?

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008

An issue was encountered during the installation. If the error affected any of the Windows SBS 2008 features, you might need to complete additional configuration steps.

Item Description

Fix this issue

For more information, click View installation issues, click each issue, and then read the Help topic about the issue. Some Help topics may not be available when the product is released. A link to the Microsoft Web site is provided in the Help so you can check for additional information online.

In some cases, a Fix it task is provided. This task attempts to automatically correct the issue by resetting configuration settings. This task does not affect information in the data store.

Dismiss this issue

Use this option to indicate that you have either reviewed or resolved the issue.

Export installation issues to a file

Use this option to create a file that includes the list of issues and the log files that are typically needed to troubleshoot Windows SBS 2008 installation issues.

In case you want to post the information in a newsgroup, the log files do not contain personally identifiable information.

Additional log files are included in %ProgramFiles%\Windows SBS\.

You can also check the Windows SBS 2008 Newsgroup, which is an online community resource for information about installation issues, at the Microsoft Web site (

Additional community resources are at the Microsoft Web site (