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Get a List of Distribution Lists Containing a Given Element

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

You can use this procedure to get a list of distribution lists containing a given element.

Membership in <Domain>\Domain Administrators, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure.

To get a list of distribution lists containing a given element

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.

  2. In the console tree, click to expand the domain node.

  3. Click to select the folder that contains the distribution group.

  4. In the console tree, do one of the following:

    • Right-click the applicable distribution list (group)

      Console tree location is: Active Directory Users and Computers/YourDomain/Folder/YourDistributionList(Group))

    • Right-click the applicable public queue

      Console tree location is: Active Directory Users and Computers/YourDomain/YourOrganizationalUnit (such as Computers or Domain Controllers)/YourComputer/msmq/YourPublicQueue)

    • Right-click the applicable queue alias

      Console tree location is: Active Directory Users and Computers/YourDomain/ContainerForAliases/YourAlias)

  5. Click Properties.

  6. On the Member of page, you can view the list of distribution lists (groups) of which the applicable object is a member. For information about how to add the object selected to another distribution list (group), see Additional references. You can remove the applicable object from a distribution list (group) of which it is a member as follows: click the name of the host distribution list (group), and then click Remove.

Additional considerations

  • Message Queuing distribution lists are distribution group objects in Active Directory Domain Services.

  • The explicit members of distribution lists can be public queues, queue aliases, and other distribution lists, but not private queues or URL-named queues. Private queues and URL-named queues can be included in a distribution list by using queue aliases.

Additional references