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Providing Advanced Customization

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

The CMAK wizard guides you through most of the customization features that you need to build a service profile. However, you can provide additional customization by selecting the AdvancedCustomization check box in the Ready to Build the Service Profile page of the CMAK wizard.

You can also delete any section or key from the .cms or .cmp files by using the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard.

To delete a section

  1. On the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard, in the File name box, select the appropriate file.

  2. In the Section name box, select the section you want to delete.

  3. Clear the Key name and Value boxes.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the entire section.

To delete a key

  1. On the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard, in the File name box, select the appropriate file.

  2. In the Section name box, select the appropriate section.

  3. In the Key name box, select the key you want to delete.

  4. Clear the Value box.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the key.


  • Use extreme care when deleting sections or keys from the .cms or .cmp files by using the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard, particularly when you are editing an existing service profile.

For more information, including a comprehensive list of the service profile files and keys that you can customize through advanced customization, see "Advanced Customization" in Help and Support Center for Windows Server 2003.

The following procedures show four ways to use advanced customization to increase security for user connections.


  • If the key names you want to customize do not appear in the drop down list, simply type them in the Key name text box.

Removing the Save Password Option

Edit the HideRememberPassword key to remove the Save Password check box from the Connection Manager user interface.

To remove the Save Passwordcheck box from the Connection Manager user interface

  1. On the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard, in the File name box, select FileName**.cms**.

  2. In the Section name box, select Connection Manager.

  3. In the Key name box, type or select HideRememberPassword.

  4. In the Value box, type 1.

  5. Click Apply.


    • In order for any advanced customization setting to be recorded, you must click Apply after entering each setting.

Disabling ICS

Edit the DisableICS key to disable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) in Windows XP for this connection.

To disable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) from the Connection Manager user interface

  1. On the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard, in the File name box, select FileName**.cms**.

  2. In the Section name box, select Connection Manager.

  3. In the Key name box, type or select DisableICS.

  4. In the Value box, type 1.

  5. Click Apply.

Enabling ICF

Edit the EnableICF key to turn on Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) in Windows XP for this connection.

To enable ICF from the Connection Manager user interface

  1. On the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard, in the File name box, select FileName**.cms**.

  2. In the Section name box, select Connection Manager.

  3. In the Key name box, type or select EnableICF.

  4. In the Value box, type 1.

  5. Click Apply.

Hiding the Advanced Tab

Edit the HideAdvancedTab key to hide the Advanced tab from the Connection Manager user interface in Windows XP for this connection. The Advanced tab is where users control ICF and ICS for the connection. You should only enable this key if you are using the DisableICS and EnableICF keys.

To hide the Advanced tab from the Connection Manager user interface

  1. From the Advanced Customization page of the CMAK wizard, in the File name box, select FileName**.cms**.

  2. In the Section name box, select Connection Manager.

  3. In the Key name box, type or select HideAdvancedTab.

  4. In the Value box, type 1.

  5. Click Apply.