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Branding Your Connection Manager Client

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Another important feature of CMAK is the ability to apply your own branding to the client by using your organization’s graphics, icons, menu items for the notification area shortcut, Help, and license agreement. If you do not want to customize the appearance of the client, accept the defaults provided in CMAK.

Using Custom Graphics and Icons

You must specify whether to use the default bitmaps or your own graphics. Customize the user interface by including your company logo or another image that identifies your organization. You can replace the graphics in both the Logon dialog box and the Phone Book dialog box. The replacement graphic must be a bitmap (.bmp) file.

Provide custom icons for your service profile in the form of either one file containing icons in multiple sizes or one file for each icon in each size. Use the CMAK wizard to specify the icons.

Customizing Connection Manager Help and License Agreement

To offer your users customized Help and license agreement files, enter the appropriate file information in the CMAK wizard.

The default Help file is Cmmgr32.hlp. If you do not want to use the default Help, create your own .hlp file, and then use the CMAK wizard to replace the default Help with your .hlp file in the service profile. To include a license agreement, create a .txt file containing the agreement and enter the file name into the CMAK wizard when prompted. For more information about providing your users with custom Help, see "Providing custom Windows Help" in Help and Support Center for Windows Server 2003.