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The console tree and console root

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

The console tree and console root

The console tree is a hierarchical structure in the left pane of an MMC console. The console tree shows the items that are available in a console. These items can include folders, snap-ins, controls, Web pages, and other tools.

To view the console tree of a new console, open MMC by clicking Start, then Run, type "mmc", and then click OK.

In a new console, the only item on the console tree is a folder labeled Console Root. You can create the administrative functions of the console by adding items to the console. For instructions about adding items to a console, see Creating consoles.

You do not need to put a console window on the console root. You can locate a console window on any item in the console tree. This hides items in the console tree above the old root and focuses the window on the new console root and any administrative tools under it.

For instructions about changing where a console is rooted, see Make a new console window from part of an MMC console tree.

Containers on the console tree

A container is any item on the console tree to which objects are added. Double-click Image of plus to expand a container and view its contents, and the minus sign Image of minus to collapse the container. The default container is a folder Image of folder, which you can use to group related items in a console tree. However, you can also use MMC to add tools to items other than folders, which then also become containers.

The console root is a container. Its only function is to contain the console tree. Typically, the top item in a snap-in is a folder or another container.

Another type of item that can contain other items is a viewable item. When you click a viewable item, it displays a list, text, or graphic information in the details pane instead of additional items. Web pages are viewable items because they require a browser, which can open only in the details pane. Do not add items to viewable items because user might hide the console tree. If so, they might not know that a viewable item contains other items. Instead, if you have a collection of viewable items, you can add a folder to the console tree and group the viewable items in the folder. Then a user can select from all the items when the console tree is hidden.

For instructions about hiding the console tree, see Hide or display features of a saved MMC console.

One type of item that cannot contain other items is a leaf. When you click a leaf, it lists items in the details pane. These are typically items that are individually contained on the console tree. However, when items number in the hundreds or thousands, a snap-in uses a leaf instead of a container.

Adding new functionality to a console

You might find that none of the snap-ins provided by the Add/Remove Snap-in command provide the exact capabilities you require. You can try the following possible solutions:

  • Check for additional snap-ins or extensions that might have been posted on the Web by Microsoft or other vendors.

  • Author your own extension to an existing snap-in, or author a new stand-alone snap-in.

For more information about these options, see MMC Resources.