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Built-in Recording Profiles

Applies To: Windows 8, Windows 8.1

Windows® Performance Recorder (WPR) includes built-in profiles that you can use to specify the kind of recording that WPR makes. You can access the built-in profiles from the WPR user interface (UI) by using the More Options menu.

You can also add custom profiles to WPR. For more information, see Authoring Recording Profiles and Add or Remove a Custom Recording Profile.

Resource Analysis Profiles

The following table describes the built-in profiles that record resource analysis.

Profile name Recording

CPU usage

CPU utilization for each CPU on the system

Disk I/O activity

All disk I/O activity

File I/O activity

All file I/O activity

Registry I/O activity

All changes to the registry

Networking I/O activity

All networking I/O activity

Heap usage

All allocations and de-allocations from the heap for the specified process

Pool usage

Pool allocations and de-allocations

VirtualAlloc usage

All virtual allocations

Power usage

Power utilization and idle and sleep states

GPU activity

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-specific events, such as GPU utilization

Handle usage

Usage of handles

XAML activity

Events from XAML-related providers

HTML activity

Events from HTML-related providers, such as Internet Explorer and JavaScript

Desktop composition activity

All desktop composition activity

Resident Set analysis

All changes to the resident set

Scenario Analysis Profiles

The following table describes the built-in profiles that record specific scenarios.

Profile Recording

Audio glitches

All glitches that occur during streaming audio

Video glitches

All glitches that occur during streaming video

Internet Explorer

Windows Internet Explorer® performance

Minifilter I/O activity

Minifilter I/O activity

XAML application analysis

XAML app-related activity

HTML application analysis

HTML app-related activity

See Also


Recording Profiles

Other Resources

Select Built-in Profiles