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Using the Standard User Analyzer Wizard

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista

The Standard User Analyzer Wizard (SUA Wizard) enables you to follow a step-by-step process to evaluate your organization's installed applications for User Account Control (UAC) issues. The SUA Wizard works much like the Standard User Analyzer (SUA) tool to evaluate the issues. However, it does not offer any of the detailed analyses, and you cannot disable virtualization or elevate your privileges. For more information about the Standard User Analyzer (SAT) tool, see Using the Standard User Analyzer Tool.

Testing an Application with the SUA Wizard

The easiest way to align compatibility issues and application fixes is to have your tools perform the alignment for you. The SUA Wizard performs some of this analysis for you by suggesting application fixes for the UAC-related issues that it discovers after analyzing your application inventory. In this walkthrough, we will run the SUA Wizard on an application that has known UAC-related issues, and then apply the recommended fixes.

To test an application by using the SUA Wizard

  1. Log on to the computer by using a non-administrator account, with the SUA Wizard installed.

  2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6, point to Developer and Tester Tools, and then click Standard User Analyzer Wizard.

  3. In the Target Application box, browse to the \Program Files\Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit\Compatibility Administrator (32-bit)\Demo Application\StockViewer directory, and then double-click StockViewer.exe.

  4. Clear the Elevate check box, and then click Launch.

    The StockViewer tool attempts to start and the Permission denied dialog box appears.

  5. Click OK.

    The StockViewer application starts, despite the warning.

  6. On the toolbar, click the Trends button.

    An error message appears, stating that the application cannot create the object.

  7. Click OK to close the error message.

  8. On the Tools menu, click Options.

    An error message appears, stating that there was an unhandled exception in the application.

  9. Click Continue to close the error message and to continue testing the application.

  10. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates.

    Another error message appears, stating that there was an unhandled exception in the application.

  11. Click Continue to close the error message and to continue testing the application.

    Close the StockViewer application.

  12. The SUA Wizard displays a message asking if the application ran without any issues.

  13. Click No.

    The SUA Wizard shows a list of potential remedies that you can use to fix the StockViewer tool.

  14. Keep the default selected fixes, and then click Launch.

    The StockViewer tool appears again, with the fixes applied.

  15. Repeat steps 4-11 to verify the fixes and to close the StockViewer tool.

    The SUA Wizard displays a message asking if the application ran without any issues.

  16. Click Yes.

    The SUA Wizard closes as the issue is resolved on your local computer.


If the first set of remedies did not fix your application issues, you can click No again in step 13, and you will be offered additional remedies. If none of those additional remedies fix the issue, you will be informed that there are no further remedies available and that you can run the SUA tool for more in-depth remedy resolution. Or you can mark the application as Run as Administrator and export the fixes already applied as a Windows Installer file for deployment to your organization's computers. Or you can exit without taking any further action.

See Also


Standard User Analyzer
Standard User Analyzer Technical Reference
Mitigating Issues by Using Compatibility Fixes