Scripting.Signer Object
The Scripting.Signer object enables an author to sign a script with a digital signature and a recipient to verify the signature's authenticity and trustworthiness.
The Scripting.Signer object requires a valid certificate.
The following JScript code shows the Scripting.Signer object digitally signing a script.
<named name="file" helpstring="the file to sign" required="true" type="string"/>
<named name="cert" helpstring="the name of the signing certificate" required="true" type="string"/>
<named name="store" helpstring="the name of the certificate store" required="false" type="string"/>
<script language="JScript">
var Signer, File, Cert, Store = "my";
if (!(WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("cert") && WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("file")))
Signer = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Signer");
File = WScript.Arguments.Named("file");
Cert = WScript.Arguments.Named("cert");
if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("store"))
Store = WScript.Arguments.Named("store");
Signer.SignFile(File, Cert, Store);
Sign Method | SignFile Method | Verify Method | VerifyFile Method