FillRect method
Fills a rectangle with the sample value, optionally doing an alpha-blend with the destination.
void retVal = object.FillRect(pRect, SampVal, bDoOver);
pRect [in]
Type: const RECTPointer to the rectangle to fill. If NULL, the whole surface is filled.
SampVal [in]
Type: DXPMSAMPLEAlpha-premultiplied color to use for the fill.
bDoOver [in]
Type: BOOLValue that indicates whether to alpha-blend the sample with the existing data or to replace the existing data. If TRUE, the samples are alpha-blended over the current data. If FALSE, the samples replace the current data.
After this call is made, the current position of the pointer object is undefined. Call IDXARGBReadPtr::MoveToRow, IDXARGBReadPtr::MoveAndGetRunInfo, or IDXARGBReadPtr::MoveToXY to re-establish the pointer location before calling any method that uses the current pointer location.