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HlinkResolveMonikerForData function

[HlinkResolveMonikerForData may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions of the operating system or product.]

Note  The Microsoft ActiveX Hyperlink API is deprecated in Windows Internet Explorer 8 and later, and ActiveX technology as a whole is unsupported in the Microsoft Edge browser in favor of standards-based web APIs. For more information, see Saying goodbye to ActiveX, VBScript, attachEvent... and Get ready for plug-in free browsing.


Resolves data for a Moniker.


HRESULT HlinkResolveMonikerForData(
   LPMONIKER           pimkRef,
   DWORD               reserved,
   LPBC                pibc,
   ULONG               cFmtetc,
   FORMATETC           *rgFmtetc,
   IBindStatusCallback *pibsc,
   LPMONIKER           pimkBase


  • pimkRef
    A pointer to the moniker to resolve.

  • reserved
    Reserved for future use, must be NULL.

  • pibc
    An IBindCtx interface pointer to the bind context to be used for any moniker binding during this operation. This cannot be NULL.

  • cFmtetc
    The number of FORMATETC that rgFmtetc is pointing to.

  • rgFmtetc
    Indicates which format types are preferred for the bind operation.

  • pibsc
    An IBindStatusCallback interface pointer to the bind status context to use for any asynchronous moniker binding performed during the navigation. If this is NULL, the caller does not receive progress notification, cancellation, pausing, or low-level binding information.

  • pimkBase
    The base that the moniker is composed with.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns NOERROR. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.






