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IDot11ExtUIProperty::Dot11ExtUIPropertyGetSelected method

Important  The Native 802.11 Wireless LAN interface is deprecated in Windows 10 and later. Please use the WLAN Device Driver Interface (WDI) instead. For more information about WDI, see WLAN Universal Windows driver model.


The IDot11ExtUIProperty::Dot11ExtUIPropertyGetSelected method allows the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL to specify whether a property extension was selected by the end user through the Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI.


HRESULT Dot11ExtUIPropertyGetSelected(
  [in]  BSTR                 bstrIHVProfile,
  [in]  PDOT11EXT_IHV_PARAMS pIHVProfileParams,
  [out] BOOL                 *pfIsSelected


  • bstrIHVProfile [in]
    The XML fragment that contains the IHV-defined data from the current profile data. This fragment is bounded by the <IHV> and </IHV> XML tags. For more information about the format of the Native 802.11 profile data, refer to the documentation within the Microsoft Windows SDK.

  • pIHVProfileParams [in]
    A pointer to a DOT11EXT_IHV_PROFILE_PARAMS structure that specifies the parameters of the current security profile.

  • pfIsSelected [out]
    A pointer to a Boolean variable. The Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL must set * pfIsSelected to TRUE if the property extension was selected by the end user.

Return value

If the call succeeds, the method returns S_OK.

If the call fails, the method returns the appropriate error code defined in Winerror.h.


Before the Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI displays the Connection or Security tab, the operating system calls the IDot11ExtUI::GetDot11ExtUIProperties method to return a list of custom property extensions developed by the independent hardware vendor (IHV). If the IDot11ExtUI::GetDot11ExtUIProperties method returns a list with more than one entry, the operating system calls the IDot11ExtUIProperty::Dot11ExtUIPropertyGetSelected method for each property extension within the returned list.

When the Connection or Security tab is displayed, the operating system adds only one property extension to the tab. The operating system uses the following procedure to determine which property extension to use:

  • If the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL sets the * pfIsSelected parameter to TRUE for only one property extension, the operating system displays that extension within the Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI.

  • If the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL sets the * pfIsSelected parameter to TRUE for more than one property extension, the operating system displays the first property extension whose IDot11ExtUIProperty::Dot11ExtUIPropertyGetSelected method sets the parameter to TRUE.

  • If the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL does not set the * pfIsSelected parameter to TRUE for any property extension, the operating system displays the first property extension within the list of property extensions returned through the IDot11ExtUI::GetDot11ExtUIProperties method.

For more information about extending standard 802.11 property pages, see Extending the Property Pages for Wireless Network Profiles.

For more information about the Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI, see Native 802.11 Software Architecture.


Target platform


Minimum support

Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.



See also






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