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The OID_WW_CDPD_CS_INFO OID requests the miniport driver to return current information about circuit-switched CDPD connections.

This request uses a WW_CDPD_CS_INFO structure, defined as follows:

    typedef struct _WW_CDPD_CS_INFO {
         INT ConnectRate;
         NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC DialCode;
         UINT SID;
         INT ABSideSelection;
         INT AMPSChannel;

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • ConnectRate
    Specifies circuit-switched bit rate. A value of 0 specifies no active connection. A value of -1 specifies an unknown rate. All other values specify the current rate represented as bits per second.

  • DialCode
    Describes a buffer that contains the last dial code used to establish a CS-CDPD connection.

  • SID
    Specifies the current AMPS system identifier.

  • ABSideSelection
    Specifies the side channel that is currently selected. The following lists valid values.

    Value Meaning


    No AMPS service


    AMPS "A" side channel selected


    AMPS "B" side channel selected




  • AMPSChannel
    Specifies the AMPS-channel number that is currently in use. A value of 0 specifies no AMPS service. A value of 1 through 1023 specifies the current AMPS channel in use. A value of -1 specifies the channel number is unknown. All other values are reserved.

The miniport driver should return a value of NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if the current mode of operation is via packet-switched CDPD. For more information, see OID_WW_CDPD_CS_SERVICE_STATUS.

Sets and indications are irrelevant for this OID.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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