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Using ProCalc

The Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK) includes an application called ProCalc. ProCalc is packaged in the executable, ProCalc2.exe. ProCalc provides a simple user interface that you can use to create common modem INF file registry entries.

You can select an INF file entry type from the ProCalc drop-down menu to access such data entry fields as check boxes, edit boxes, and so on, that are specific to the particular INF file entry. More complex entries, such as the Properties entry, have secondary-level data fields.

For detailed information about the bit fields and data fields that are required for all modem INF file registry entries, see Modem INF File Entries. The ProCalc status bar (at the bottom of the ProCalc window) displays a description of the currently selected data entry field. Use the status bar descriptions to help you find the detailed description in Modem INF File Entries.

After creating an entry with ProCalc, you can copy and paste the entry into your INF file. You can also copy and paste entries from your INF file into ProCalc. ProCalc displays the property values for these entries.

ProCalc creates modem INF file entries in the add-registry-sections of INF files in the following form:

HKR,, [value-entry-name], [flags], [value]

These entries appear in add-registry-sections of INF files. For more information about the add-registry-section HKR entries, see INF AddReg Directive. For more information about modem INF file add-registry-sections, see Modifying the add-registry-sections of smpdata.inf.

ProCalc creates modem INF file entries (selected from the list in the UI) with correct value-entry-names and their corresponding flags and values for the following:

  • Data profile

  • Voice profile

  • Response state

  • Locking the port speed (DCB)

  • Inactivity scale

  • Speaker phone specifications

  • XformID (NT)

This section provides information about how to use ProCalc to create these entries. This information is described in the following topics:

Creating Data Modem INF File Entries with ProCalc

Creating Voice Modem INF File Entries with ProCalc



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