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Creating a VoiceProfile INF File Entry

A VoiceProfile entry must be included in all voice modem INF files. The bit settings in the VoiceProfile entry define the capabilities of the voice modem. All the bit settings in the VoiceProfile entry are listed in Modem INF File Entries. Use ProCalc to create the VoiceProfile entry.

The example value used in SmpVoice.inf is:

    HKR,, VoiceProfile,         1, 27,02,40,02 

There is a handset bit in the VoiceProfile entry and a related handset entry (WaveDevices) in the serial wave driver INF file. The VoiceProfile handset bit should be set when a modem supports any feature of a TAPI handset phone device. For example, it can play audio to the handset and report handset hook-switch events.

The following are examples of the WaveDevices entry that appears in the serial wave driver INF file:

    HKR,Config,WaveDevices,  1, 01, 00    

    HKR,Config,WaveDevices,  1, 02, 00

Set the WaveDevices entry to 2 when a voice modem has the ability to play back and record to a handset. Set this entry to 1 if the modem does not have this ability or does not have a handset device. A default state of 2 is assumed when the WaveDevices entry is absent.

The VoiceProfile entry handset bit and the WaveDevices entry must define support for the same features in their corresponding INF files.

A new Plug and Play node appears in Device Manager if the modem supports an audio device such as a SoundBlaster, Crystal, or other mixer chip. Set the mixer bit in the VoiceProfile entry if the modem has a mixer chip.



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