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Rally Vertical Pairing devices and printers presence

Windows automatically detects the presence of PnP-X devices, including devices that use Rally Vertical Pairing, and displays them in Devices and Printers. Windows uses each device’s PnP-X metadata to correctly categorize and display the device. If a device manufacturer defines a metadata package for a device and submits the metadata package to Microsoft, Windows automatically downloads it from WMIS when Devices and Printers detects the presence of the device. Windows displays any photorealistic icons for the device and any rich metadata in Devices and Printers.

This information applies for the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows 7

If the device supports Device Stage, the Device Stage experience for the device is also available.

For more information about how to create device metadata and Device Stage packages, see How to Create a Device Metadata Package for Devices and Printers and Windows 7 Device Experience.

Using Windows Rally Vertical Pairing to automatically install Wi Fi devices



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