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Getting Started with Windows Driver Development

WDK MVP Donald D. Burn shares his experience and insights about tools for creating a device driver for Microsoft Windows, with information about debugging, testing tools, and techniques that can help you find and fix bugs early in development.

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Don Burn Microsoft MVP, Windows Driver Kit

Windows Filesystem and Driver Consulting -

Getting started with Microsoft Windows device drivers can be difficult, even for experienced developers. This paper presents an overview of the debugging and testing tools that developers use to create a device driver for Windows operating systems. In particular, the paper examines ways to find and fix bugs early in development, to help you produce a high-quality device driver.

WDK MVP Don Burn shares his experience and insights about the hardware and software you need for driver development, how to get started with the WDK build environments and Build utility, and tips, techniques, and tools for all phases of development.

What's new:

Updated with changes to the tools, build environment, and best practices from the Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Windows Driver Kit (WDK) to the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Version 7.1. Techniques to obtain the best results with the Windows Driver Framework and the new testing capabilities of the WDK are emphasized.

Included in this white paper:

  • Development Environment
  • Compile-Time Checking
  • Debugging and Runtime Checking
  • Diagnostics
  • Test tools



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