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RELEASETYPE (Windows CE 5.0)

This macro definition sets two flags: RELEASEDIR and RELEASELIBDIR, which specify which output directory to place binaries and libraries in after they are built.

The default value builds the binaries and libraries for the target device and places them in the %_PROJECTROOT%\Oak directory.

The following table shows the other values for RELEASETYPE.

Value Description Location of generated binaries Location of generated libraries
OAK For core OS components that will be rebuilt.

You cannot ship these components.

SDK For components that will be included in an exported software development kit (SDK). %_PROJECTROOT%\Oak\Target\%_TGTCPU% %_PROJECTROOT%\Sdk\Lib\%_TGTCPU%
DDK For components that will be included in an exported device driver kit (DDK). %_PROJECTROOT%\Oak\Target\%_TGTCPU% %_PROJECTROOT%\Ddk\Lib\%_TGTCPU%
PLATFORM For code inside platform-specific projects. Current OS design as specified by _TGTPLAT Current OS design as specified by _TGTPLAT
LOCAL For building components that are not publicly available. Local object directory Local object directory
CUSTOM For specifying the exact object directory location.
Note   If you want to set this value, manually set it in the associated project sources file.

If you want to build for different CPUs, qualify the path based on the CPU.

Value specified in TARGETPATH Value specified in TARGETPATH
MANAGED For managed code. %_PROJECTROOT%\Oak\Target\Managed %_PROJECTROOT%\Oak\Lib\Managed
CETK For CETK debugging and testing.
Note   This value turns off compiler optimizations and should not be used in a released product.

See Also

Sources File

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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