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PATHOBJ_bEnum (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function retrieves the next record from a PATHDATA structure for a specified path and enumerates the curves in the path.



  • ppo
    [in] Pointer to a PATHOBJ structure that contains curves or lines to enumerate.
  • ppd
    [out] Pointer to a PATHDATA structure that is to be filled.

Return Values

This function returns TRUE if the specified path contains more PATHDATA records. Under this condition, you should call the PATHOBJ_bEnum function again. If the output is the last PATHDATA record in the path, this function returns FALSE.


You can only call the PATHOBJ_bEnum function after you call the PATHOBJ_vEnumStart function.

A PATHDATA structure describes all or part of the connected part of a path, also known as a subpath. For example, a new subpath begins when an application calls the MoveTo function within a path.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Winddi.h.
Link Library: Ddi_ati_lib.lib, Ddi_flat_lib.lib, Ddi_gx_lib.lib, Ddi_mq200_lib.lib, Ddi_nop_lib.lib, Ddi_rflat_lib.lib, Ddi_rgx_lib.lib, or Ddi_tvia5_lib.lib.

See Also

GDI Functions for Display Drivers | PATHOBJ_vEnumStart

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