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Customizing the Readings Area (Windows CE 5.0)

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The readings area displays the candidates of the reading of the composition string. This optional area is displayed when the IME performs a reverse conversion and there are multiple readings of the same string. If a call to the CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::IsAvailable method returns FALSE, this area will not be displayed even if the IME performs the reverse conversion.

The readings area is located below the candidate list area. The reading is displayed on a button that opens a dropdown menu. The button face shows the first candidate of the readings area and a down arrow bitmap that indicates the dropdown menu. The dropdown menu contains the candidates of the readings.

The layout of the static text and the button are internally calculated by the IME and cannot be customized. You can customize only the margins of the readings area by calling the CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::GetMargins method.

The following table shows the methods of the CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea subclass that can be used to customize the readings area.

Method Description
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::AdjustRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the readings button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::PaintBackground Draws the background of the readings button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::PaintBitmap Draws the bitmap of the readings button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::CButton::PaintText Draws the text of the readings button.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::GetMargins Retrieves the top, bottom, right, and left margins of the readings area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::GetTextColor Retrieves the color of the static text at the left of the button in the readings area.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::IsAvailable Determines whether the readings area is available.
CImeCUICandWindow::CReadingsArea::PaintBackground Draws the background of the readings area.

See Also

Customizing the Candidate Window

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