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VERSIONINFO Resource (Windows CE 5.0)

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This resource-definition statement creates a version-information resource. The resource contains such information about the file as its version number, its intended operating system, and its original file name. The resource is intended to be used with the File Installation library functions.

versionIDVERSIONINFOfixed-info { block-statement . . . }


  • versionID
    Specifies the version-information resource identifier. This value must be 1.
  • fixed-info
    Specifies the version information, such as the file version and the intended operating system. This parameter consists of the following statements.
    Value Description
    FILEVERSION version Specifies the binary version number for the file. The version consists of two 32-bit integers, defined by four 16-bit integers. For example, "FILEVERSION 3,10,0,61" is translated into two doublewords: 0x0003000a and 0x0000003d, in that order. Therefore, if version is defined by the DWORD values dw1 and dw2, they need to appear in the FILEVERSION statement as follows: HIWORD(dw1), LOWORD(dw1), HIWORD(dw2), LOWORD(dw2).
    PRODUCTVERSION version Specifies the binary version number for the product with which the file is distributed. The version parameter is two 32-bit integers, defined by four 16-bit integers.
    FILEFLAGSMASK fileflagsmask Specifies which bits in the FILEFLAGS statement are valid. If a bit is set in FILEFLAGMASK, the corresponding bit in FILEFLAGS is valid.
    FILEFLAGS fileflags Specifies the Boolean attributes of the file. The fileflags parameter must be the combination of all the file flags that are valid at compile time. For possible values, see Remarks.
    FILEOS fileos Specifies the operating system for which this file was designed. The fileos parameter is one of the operating system values listed in Remarks.
    FILETYPE filetype Specifies the general type of file. The filetype parameter can be one of the file type values listed in Remarks.
    FILESUBTYPE subtype Specifies the function of the file. The subtype parameter is zero unless the type parameter in the FILETYPE statement is VFT_DRV, VFT_FONT, or VFT_VXD. For possible file subtype values, see Remarks.
  • block-statement
    Specifies one or more version-information blocks. A block can contain string information or variable information.


To use the constants specified with the VERSIONINFO statement. The Winbase.h file, included in Windows.h, must be included in the resource-definition file.

The following list describes the parameters used in the VERSIONINFO statement:

  • fileflags
    Specifies a combination of the following values.

    Value Description
    VS_FF_DEBUG File contains debugging information or is compiled with debugging features enabled.
    VS_FF_PATCHED File has been modified and is not identical to the original shipping file of the same version number.
    VS_FF_PRERELEASE File is a development version, not a commercially released product.
    VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD File was not built using standard release procedures. If this value is specified, the StringFileInfo block must contain a PrivateBuild string.
    VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD File was built by the original company using standard release procedures, but is a variation of the standard file of the same version number. If this value is specified, the StringFileInfo block must contain a SpecialBuild string.
  • fileos
    Specifies one of the following values.

    Value Description
    VOS_UNKNOWN The operating system for which the file was designed is unknown.
    VOS_DOS File was designed for MS-DOS.
    VOS_NT File was designed for Microsoft Windows NT®.
    VOS__WINDOWS16 File was designed for 16-bit Windows.
    VOS__WINDOWS32 File was designed for 32-bit Windows.
    VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16 File was designed for 16-bit Windows running with MS-DOS.
    VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 File was designed for 32-bit Windows running with MS-DOS.
    VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 File was designed for 32-bit Windows running with Windows NT.

    The values 0x00002L, 0x00003L, 0x20000L and 0x30000L are reserved.

  • filetype
    Specifies one of the following values.

    Value Description
    VFT_UNKNOWN File type is unknown.
    VFT_APP File contains an application.
    VFT_DLL File contains a dynamic-link library (DLL).
    VFT_DRV File contains a device driver. If filetype is VFT_DRV, subtype contains a more specific description of the driver.
    VFT_FONT File contains a font. If filetype is VFT_FONT, subtype contains a more specific description of the font.
    VFT_VXD File contains a virtual device.
    VFT_STATIC_LIB File contains a static-link library.

    All other values are reserved for use by Microsoft.

  • subtype
    Specifies additional information about the file type.

    If filetype specifies VFT_DRV, this parameter can be one of the following values.

    Value Description
    VFT2_UNKNOWN Driver type is unknown.
    VFT2_DRV_COMM File contains a communications driver.
    VFT2_DRV_PRINTER File contains a printer driver.
    VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD File contains a keyboard driver.
    VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE File contains a language driver.
    VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY File contains a display driver.
    VFT2_DRV_MOUSE File contains a mouse driver.
    VFT2_DRV_NETWORK File contains a network driver.
    VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM File contains a system driver.
    VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE File contains an installable driver.
    VFT2_DRV_SOUND File contains a sound driver.

    If filetype specifies VFT_FONT, this parameter can be one of the following values.

    Value Description
    VFT2_UNKNOWN Font type is unknown.
    VFT2_FONT_RASTER File contains a raster font.
    VFT2_FONT_VECTOR File contains a vector font.
    VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE File contains a TrueType font.

    If filetype specifies VFT_VXD, this parameter must be the virtual-device identifier included in the virtual-device control block.

    All subtype values not listed here are reserved for use by Microsoft.

  • langID
    Specifies a valid language identifier. For more information about language identifiers, see Language Identifiers and Locales.

  • charsetID
    Specifies a valid code page that contains character set identifiers. For more information about code pages, see Code Pages.

  • string-name
    Specifies one of the following predefined names.

    Value Description
    Comments Specifies additional information that should be displayed for diagnostic purposes.
    CompanyName Specifies the company that produced the file — for example, "Microsoft Corporation." This string is required.
    FileDescription Specifies a file description to be presented to users. This string may be displayed in a list box when the user is choosing files to install — for example, "Keyboard Driver for AT-Style Keyboards". This string is required.
    FileVersion Specifies the version number of the file — for example, "3.10" or "5.00.rc2". This string is required.
    InternalName Specifies the internal name of the file, if one exists — for example, a module name if the file is a DLL. If the file has no internal name, this string should be the original file name, without extension. This string is required.
    LegalCopyright Specifies all copyright notices that apply to the file. This should include the full text of all notices, legal symbols, copyright dates, and so on — for example, "Copyright © Microsoft Corporation 1990–1998". This string is optional.
    LegalTrademarks Specifies all trademarks and registered trademarks that apply to the file. This should include the full text of all notices, legal symbols, trademark numbers, and so on. This string is optional.
    OriginalFilename Specifies the original name of the file, not including a path. This information enables an application to determine whether a file has been renamed by a user. The format of the name depends on the file system for which the file was created. This string is required.
    PrivateBuild Specifies information about a private version of the file — for example, "Built by TESTER1 on \TESTBED". This string should be present only if VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD is specified in the fileflags parameter of the root block.
    ProductName Specifies the name of the product with which the file is distributed. This string is required.
    ProductVersion Specifies the version of the product with which the file is distributed — for example, "3.10" or "5.00.rc2". This string is required.
    SpecialBuild Specifies how this version of the file differs from the standard version. This string should be present only if VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD is specified in the fileflags parameter of the root block.

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