MENU Resource (Windows CE 5.0)
This resource-definition statement specifies the contents of a menu resource, which is a collection of information that defines the appearance and function of an application menu. A menu is a special input tool that enables a user to select commands and open submenus from a list of menu items.
menuIDMENU [[optional-statements]] { item-definitions . . . }
- menuID
Specifies a number that identifies the menu. This value is either a unique string or a unique 16-bit unsigned integer value in the range of 1 to 65,535. - optional-statements
This parameter can be zero of more of the following statements.Value Description CHARACTERISTICSdword User-defined information about a resource that can be used by tools that read and write resource files. For more information, see CHARACTERISTICS Statement. LANGUAGElanguage, sublanguage Specifies the language for the resource. For more information, see LANGUAGE Statement. VERSIONdword User-defined version number for the resource that can be used by tools that read and write resource files. For more information, see VERSION Statement.
The following code example shows a complete MENU statement.
sample MENU
MENUITEM "&Soup", 100
MENUITEM "S&alad", 101
POPUP "&Entree"
MENUITEM "&Fish", 200
MENUITEM "&Chicken", 201, CHECKED
POPUP "&Beef"
MENUITEM "&Steak", 301
MENUITEM "&Prime Rib", 302
MENUITEM "&Dessert", 103
See Also
MENUEX Resource | MENUITEM Statement | POPUP Resource | ACCELERATORS Resource | CHARACTERISTICS Statement | DIALOG Resource | LANGUAGE Statement | RCDATA Resource | STRINGTABLE Resource | VERSION Statement
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