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Customizing the IME Toolbar (Windows CE 5.0)

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Japanese IME 3.1 enables you to customize specific areas of the IME toolbar. The following list shows the Windows CE classes that you can use for toolbar customization:

  • CImeCUIToolBar
  • CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton
  • CImeCUIToolBar::ButtonArea
  • CImeCUIToolBar::Button

The following list shows the files in which the source code for the IME toolbar is located:

  • ce\ccuitoolbar.cpp -- Standard UI for a handheld PC-style shell.
  • cexp\ccuitoolbar.cpp -- Skin sample resembling the shell in Microsoft Windows XP.

The following illustration shows the layout of the IME toolbar:


You can customize the following areas on the IME toolbar:

Item Description
Button Area This are displays the IME toolbar buttons. The following list shows the elements that determine the size of the button area:
  • The margins of the button area.
  • The number of buttons to be displayed.
  • The spacing between buttons.
  • The size of the buttons.

The width of the button area equals the sum of the width of the visible buttons plus the spacing between buttons x (the number of buttons - 1) plus the left and right margins of the button area.

The height of the button area equals the maximum height of the button plus the top and bottom margins of the button area.

Gripper The gripper enables the user to move the IME toolbar by clicking and dragging. The gripper is located below the ON/OFF button. The size of the gripper is determined by the size of the ON/OFF button and the size of the button area.

The width of the gripper is equal to the width of the ON/OFF button. The height of the gripper equals the height of the button area minus the height of the ON/OFF button.

On/Off Button The ON/OFF button enables the user to turn the IME on and off. This button is located at the left of the button area. The ON/OFF button and the button area are top aligned.
Toolbar background The background of the entire toolbar window.
Toolbar buttons The toolbar buttons are located in the button area. Each button may have a different size.

The height of the button area is the maximum height of the button plus the top and bottom margins of the button area.

The following screenshot shows an example of a Japanese IME 3.1 toolbar:


The following table shows the methods of the CIMECUIToolBar class that can be used to modify specific areas of the IME toolbar:

Class Description
CImeCUIToolBar::PaintBackground Draws the background of the toolbar. If the borders are not specified by CImeCUIToolBar::GetWndStyle or CImeCUIToolBar::GetWndStyleEx, CImeCUIToolBar::PaintBackground may draw the borders.
CImeCUIToolBar::PaintGripper Draws the gripper.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::GetSize Specifies the size of the button.
CImeCUIToolBar::ButtonArea::GetSeparator Specifies the spacing between buttons.
CImeCUIToolBar::ButtonArea::GetMargins Specifies the top, bottom, right, and left margins of the button area.
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::GetSize Specifies the size of the ON/OFF button.
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::AdjustRect Specifies the bounding rectangle of the ON/OFF button.
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::PaintBackground Draws the borders, if required, and the background of the ON/OFF button. Turns the IME on and off.
CImeCUIToolBar::OnOffButton::PaintBitmap Draws the face of the ON/OFF button.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::AdjustRect Specifies the bounding rectangle of the button.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::PaintBackground Draws the borders, if required, and background of the button.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::PaintIcon Draws the face of the button. The face of the buttons is a 16 x 16 pixels icon, except for the KANA and CAPS buttons.
CImeCUIToolBar::Button::PaintBitmap Draws the face of the button. The face of the KANA and CAPS buttons is a bitmap.

See Also

Japanese IME 3.1 Customizable User Interface | Customizing the IME Toolbar Buttons

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