This IOCTL permits the caller to free a previously allocated local plug. The DeviceIoControl function calls this IOCTL.
- hDevice
[in] Handle to the target object. To get a device handle, call the CreateFile function with a name obtained dynamically from the SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces function. - dwIoControlCode
[in] Set to IOCTL_UNIT_FREE_LOCAL_PLUG. This value identifies the target operation and the type of device on which to perform it. - lpInBuffer
[in] Must be completed with a properly initialized UNIT_FreeLocalPlug_Request structure. The uflp_RegistrationToken and uflp_Plug members must be pre-initialized. - BufferSize
[in] Set to sizeof(UNIT_FreeLocalPlug_Request). - lpOutBuffer
[in] Unused. Set to NULL. - nOutBufferSize
[in] Unused. Set to 0. - lpBytesReturned
[out] Pointer to a DWORD variable that receives the actual count of bytes returned by the function in the output buffer. For this command, set to 0. - lpOverlapped
[out] If not used, NULL. Otherwise, this should point to a completely filled out OVERLAPPED structure that contains a valid event. The event will be signaled when the I/O operation is complete.
Return Values
If the operation succeeds, DeviceIoControl returns a non-zero value. If the operation fails, DeviceIoControl returns zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
The process of freeing a local plug not only frees the resource, but also ensures that the plug is no longer externally visible.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Avc_unit.h.
See Also
CreateFile | DeviceIoControl | UNIT_FreeLocalPlug_Request
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