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BSP Creation by Cloning (Windows CE 5.0)

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The easiest way to create a BSP is to clone an existing BSP that is designed for similar hardware.

Platform Builder includes a BSP for each supported CPU and for associated core logic or chipsets.

You can use the BSP Wizard in the Platform Builder IDE to clone a BSP.

For more information about the BSP Wizard, see BSP Wizard Overview.

For more information about cloning a BSP, see Cloning an Existing BSP.

Note   Multiple BSPs of the same name cannot be added to a run-time image. You can import two or more BSPs of the same name into the IDE Catalog but the IDE does not support adding two or more BSPs of the same name to a run-time image.

For example, if you create a BSP called MyBSP that supports x86, and then you create a BSP called MyBSP that supports SH4, you cannot have both of these BSPs in a run-time image at the same time.

For information about how to bring up a device by cloning a BSP, see How to Bring Up a Hardware Platform by Cloning an Existing BSP.

The BSP consists of two parts:

  • The OEM adaptation layer (OAL) and its associated support files. The OAL is both CPU and board specific and resides in the hardware platform directory %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\<Hardware Platform Name>\Src\Kernel\OAL.

    The OAL and the boot loader typically share much of the same startup code and are generally the first BSP components to be developed.

    The simplest way to get started developing the boot loader and OAL is to copy an existing hardware platform to your hardware platform directory and modify the code to suit your SDB or hardware platform.

  • Device drivers. Device drivers make up the other half of the BSP. You can reuse device drivers included in Platform Builder to save considerable development time.

    Depending on the nature of your hardware platform design, Platform Builder includes one of three classes of device drivers: CSP, BSP, or common drivers.

    Each class of drivers is included in the hardware platform in a slightly different way.

    For more information about each class of drivers and how each is included in the hardware platform, see Device Driver Libraries.

See Also

BSP Tools | Board Support Package Overview | Debugging and Testing

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