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TLPUBINFO (Windows CE 5.0)

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The TLPUBINFO structure contains detailed information about a Platform Manager transport.

typedef struct TLPUBINFO {DWORDcbSize;DWORDdwVersion;DWORDdwFlags;DWORDdwConnectTimeOut;DWORDdwKeepAliveTimeOut;DWORDcbDataSize;BYTEpData[1];}TLPUBINFO, *PTLPUBINFO;


  • cbSize
    Specifies the size of this data structure. This value should always be sizeof (TLPUBINFO).
  • dwVersion
    Version of the transport. The current version for transports is 1.
  • dwFlags
    Combination of flags specified in the TL_FLAGS enumeration.
  • dwConnectTimeOut
    Specifies the amount of time Platform Manager waits before timing out while attempting to establish a connection. This member is used in conjunction with the TL_DIRECT_CONNECT flag.
  • dwKeepAliveTimeOut
    Calculates the frequency of keepalive pings that are sent on a keepalive stream.
  • cbDataSize
    Specifies the size of the data that the pData member points to.
  • pData
    Allows dynamic data that is specific to the transport to be transferred to the device-side part of the transport when the target device starts. This data is sent from the development workstation to the target device only when a startup server is used. Otherwise, the data is typically obtained from the TLData registry value, which is set in the TL_AUTO_REGISTER flag.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Tl.idl.

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