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This function is called by RAS to free memory buffers returned by the RasEapInvokeConfigUI, RasEapGetIdentity, and RasEapInvokeInteractiveUI functions.

DWORD RasEapFreeMemory(
  BYTE* pMemory


  • pMemory
    [in] Pointer to the memory to free.

Return Values

If the function call succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function call fails, it returns an appropriate error code from Winerror.h, Raserror.h, or Mprerror.h.


An authentication protocol may implement its various user interfaces (Uis) in different dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). In such a case, each DLL must implement the RasEapFreeMemory function.

A single DLL may also implement multiple UIs. For example, a single DLL may implement both the configuration and identity UI for an authentication protocol. Another example is a DLL that implements two configuration UIs, each to support a different authentication protocol. In these cases, the DLL must implement a single version of RasEapFreeMemory that can free memory returned from any of the UIs implemented in the DLL.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Raseapif.h.
Link Library: This function is called by the EAP module, not by the application. Therefore, no link library is exposed. For more information, see EAP Implementation Details.

See Also

RasEapInvokeConfigUI | RasEapGetIdentity | RasEapInvokeInteractiveUI

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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