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srcText Property (Windows CE 5.0)

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Returns the full text of the line containing the error.


Script Syntax

strValue= oXMLDOMParseError.srcText;

Script Parameters


Script Return Value

String. It returns an empty string if an error is caused by XML that is not well-formed and cannot be assigned to a specific line.


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_srcText(BSTR* sourceString);

C/C++ Parameters

  • sourceString
    [out, retval] Full text of the line containing the error. This returns an empty string if the error is caused by XML that is not well-formed and cannot be assigned to a specific line.

C/C++ Return Values

  • S_OK
    Value returned if successful.
    Value returned if no error occurred.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Msxml2.h, Msxml2.idl.

General Remarks

This property is read-only, and applies to the following interface:


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